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Research Notes: Wixson Descendants

Endnotes1. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

2. research note: "1623, England" from Robert Wixom, Find-A-Grave. Recorded by "Chesnut/Behunin Descendant", 2013. Online at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/115585845/robert-wixom. {1}.

3. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {0}.

4. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {2}.

5. research note: Robert Wixon - Eastham Land Records 1650-1745, INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDIES FOR EARLY EASTHAM LAND OWNERS, Eastham Library, online https://www.easthamlibrary.org/LandRecords.asp, Feb 2020. {1}.

6. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

7. Assumption made by researcher: As William Hedge became a freeman in 1634, perhaps he was unable to take on an indentured servant until then.. {1}.

8. research note: William Hedge's MIGRATION: 1633. From Captain William Hedge. Our Family Genealogy Pages. Sam Sturgis. Citing Great Migration Begins, Anderson, Robert C., (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995). Online at http://pixelvista.com/browsenotes.php?notesearch=&offset=100&tree=&test_type=&test_group=&tngpage=3, viewed Dec 2019.. {1}.

9. research note: On 5 November 1638 "William Edge, gent.," assigned to Thomas Prence "all his right and interest in the service of Rob[er]t Wickson [ PCR 1:102]. From Captain William Hedge. Our Family Genealogy Pages. Sam Sturgis. Citing Great Migration Begins, Anderson, Robert C., (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995). Online at http://pixelvista.com/browsenotes.php?notesearch=&offset=100&tree=&test_type=&test_group=&tngpage=3, viewed Dec 2019.. {1}.

10. Assumption: Of William Hedge it is said: "He was a freeman of Lynn May 14, 1634. He was probably the soldier in the Pequot war of his surname, who was well mentioned, and was called a gentleman of Northhamptonshire. He removed to Sandwich and from there to Yarmouth. He brought suit in Essex county in 1637. He was styled gentleman and Mr. in the records in 1638 and after. He took the oath of fidelity in Sandwich. He is first mentioned in the Plymouth Colony records Nov. 5, 1638, when for the consideration of £12 sterling he as- signed to Gov. Thomas Prence the unexpired term of service of Robert Wicksen due him under an indenture " in James W. Hawes, Captain William Hedge of Yarmouth. Register Press, Yarmouth MA, 1914.. {1}.

11. Assumption: In 1638, William Hedge was in Sandwich, e.g. "On 4 December 1638 Mr. Hedge was one of eleven Sandwich men". {1}.

12. research note: "5 Nov 1638 - "William Edge, gent.,... assigned to Thomas Prence ... for 12 pounds sterling all his right and interest in the service of Robert Wickson due him in an indenture." From Capt. William Hedge in Miner Descent. Mark E. Miner. Viewed online at https://minerdescent.com/2010/06/01/william-hedge/. Dec 2019. {1}.

13. research note: Early Settlers of Eastham: containing sketches of all early settlers of Eastham, Volume 2 (Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, No. 33), by Josiah Paine, 1916, p 20. {1}.

14. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

15. research note: Early Settlers of Eastham: containing sketches of all early settlers of Eastham, Volume 2 (Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, No. 33), by Josiah Paine, 1916, p 20. {1}.

16. research note: "1648, 1655, 1674, 1675 and 1676". Early Settlers of Eastham: containing sketches of all early settlers of Eastham, Volume 2 (Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, No. 33), by Josiah Paine, 1916, p 21. {1}.

17. research note: Robert Wixom, Find-A-Grave. Recorded by "Chesnut/Behunin Descendant", 2013. Online at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/115585845/robert-wixom. {1}.

18. research note: Early Settlers of Eastham: containing sketches of all early settlers of Eastham, Volume 2 (Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, No. 33), by Josiah Paine, 1916, p 21. {1}.

19. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

20. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

21. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {2}.

22. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

23. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 3. {0}.

24. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publisher's Press, 1963), person 1. {1}.

25. research note: Titus Wixon - Eastham Land Records 1650-1745, INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDIES FOR EARLY EASTHAM LAND OWNERS, Eastham Library, online https://www.easthamlibrary.org/LandRecords.asp, Feb 2020. {1}.

26. research note: "1/2 lot 17, 1/2 lot 151" Edward L. Smith (comp), Ancient Eastham Massachusetts, Two Lists of those Proprietors there in Seventeen Hundred and Fifteen (n.p. 1913). {1}.

27. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 3. {1}.

28. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 4. {1}.

29. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 4. {1}.

30. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 4. {1}.

31. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 4. {1}.

32. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, pp 3-4. {0}.

33. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5. {2}.

34. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5. {1}.

35. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5, states m. was b. 1693. {2}.

36. Plymouth & Cape Cod MA. Genealogy, Harry C. Hadaway Jr.

, online http://www.my-ged.com/hadaway/,last viewed June 2002, [provided exact date, source unknown, resource unavailable Apr 2020]. {2}.

37. research note: Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Com, 1985), p 832: "Wixam Barnabas, Sarah (Remick) Greene, w John... Cape Cod". {1}.

38. research note: Walter Kendall Watkins, Soldiers in the expedition to Canada in 1690 and grantees of the Canada townships (Boston: the author, 1898), p 87. Viewed online April 2020. {1}.

39. research note: Charles Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 3 (Portland, ME: The Southworth Press, 1928) p 287. {1}.

40. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5. {2}.

41. research note: Eastham Public Library, "A -- Births, Marriages, Deaths 1649-1755; Land Grants 1659-1710", A273, A276 (aka p 169 and 172), online at https://easthamlibrary.org/LandRecords.asp, Feb 2020. {1}.

42. research note: Map: First Comers to Dennis (East Parish of Yarmouth 1722-93), Cape Cod Genealogical Society Bulletin, Spring 2001.. {1}.

43. research note: "lot 50, lot 115" Edward L. Smith (comp), Ancient Eastham Massachusetts, Two Lists of those Proprietors there in Seventeen Hundred and Fifteen (n.p. 1913). {1}.

44. research note: William Blake Trask ed., Letters of Colonel Thomas Westbrook and others relative to Indian affairs in Maine, 1722-1726, (Boston: George E. Littlefield, 1901), pp 104, 163, 170. {1}.

45. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5, though the dates are incomplete and misread "23 Oct 1723 to 2 Jan 1724". {0}.

46. research note: William Blake Trask ed., Letters of Colonel Thomas Westbrook and others relative to Indian affairs in Maine, 1722-1726, (Boston: George E. Littlefield, 1901), pp 104, 163, 170. {1}.

47. research note: Petition of Shubal Goeham made 12 Jun 1735 stated Barnabas Wixum was alive. In Walter Kendall Watkins, Soldiers in the expedition to Canada in 1690 and grantees of the Canada townships (Boston: the author, 1898), p 87. Viewed online April 2020. {1}.

48. research note: Sarah Remick's father is probably not Christian Remick of Kittery, as per confilcts in Sarah's multiple marriage dates. {0}.

49. research note: Sarah Remick's mother is probably not Hannah of Kittery, wife of Christian Remick, as per confilcts in Sarah's multiple marriage dates. {0}.

50. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 5, dob=1663. {2}.

51. Plymouth & Cape Cod, online http://www.my-ged.com/hadaway/. {1}.

52. research note: Charles Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 3 (Portland, ME: The Southworth Press, 1928) p 287. {1}.

53. Plymouth & Cape Cod, online http://www.my-ged.com/hadaway/, "Beriwck". {1}.

54. Assumption: I have so far found no record of Sarah's death or location.. {0}.

55. research note: Charles Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 5 (Portland, ME: The Southworth Press, 1928) p 681. {1}.

56. research note: Everett Schermerhorn Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of Lewiston journal company, 1903), p 770. {0}.

57. research note: Libby records in 1928 that Thompson married Hannah Remick, Sarah's sister. I have not viewed original records to verify, though the simplest explanation is Stackpole misread the record in 1903.. {1}.

58. research note: Everett Schermerhorn Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of Lewiston journal company, 1903), p 677. {1}.

59. research note: Charles Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 5 (Portland, ME: The Southworth Press, 1928) p 638. {1}.

60. research note: Libby records in 1928 that Sloper had a wife Sarah, but no surname is given, except that his will was witnessed by Remicks. Stackpole gives no additional entries on Sloper in his 1903 work, merely stating his wife was Sarah Remick.. {1}.

61. research note: Libby records in 1928 that Sloper's widow married Worcester, but again no surname given. Libby notes Worcester's grandchild chooses Uncle Richard Gowell as guardian, who is Sarah's brother-in-law. Richard Gowell is also brother to the grandchild's mother, and so there is no obvious connection to Remicks as impled by Stackpole in 1903.. {1}.

62. research note: Charles Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 5 (Portland, ME: The Southworth Press, 1928) p 771. {1}.

63. research note: Everett Schermerhorn Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of Lewiston journal company, 1903), p 806. {1}.

64. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 13. {2}.

65. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 13. {1}.

66. research note: The Mayflower Descendant, Volume 8, 1906 . Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. (1906), online at https://books.google.ca/books?id=1f0MCRbIdZEC&dq=barnabas+wixam&source=gbs_navlinks_s, Feb 2020. {1}.

67. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 15. {2}.

68. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 15. {1}.

69. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 15. {2}.

70. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 16. {2}.

71. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 16. {1}.

72. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 16. {2}.

73. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 5, &c.. {0}.

74. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 17. {2}.

75. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 17. {1}.

76. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 17. {2}.

77. research note: Early Settlers of Eastham: containing sketches of all early settlers of Eastham, Volume 2 (Library of Cape Cod History & Genealogy, No. 33), by Josiah Paine, 1916, p 21. {1}.

78. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {2}.

79. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {1}.

80. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {2}.

81. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {2}.

82. research note: "Banns published 18 DEC 1731". Kerry Fisher, Elwin C. Nickerson, and Todd Renfro, "Joshua Wixon (1695 - 1773)", WikiTree, online at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixon-138. {1}.

83. research note: Kerry Fisher, Elwin C. Nickerson, and Todd Renfro, "Joshua Wixon (1695 - 1773)", WikiTree, online at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixon-138. {1}.

84. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {1}.

85. research note: Kerry Fisher, Elwin C. Nickerson, and Todd Renfro, "Joshua Wixon (1695 - 1773)", WikiTree, online at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixon-138. {1}.

86. Assumption: a "petitioner for relief" usually refers to one who requests mitigation of a punishment for some offense, and a "new light" likely refers to changed religious convictions, e.g. during the Great Awakening. {0}.

87. research note: "13 MAY 1754, Recipient of payment form Elisha Hopkins". Kerry Fisher, Elwin C. Nickerson, and Todd Renfro, "Joshua Wixon (1695 - 1773)", WikiTree, online at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixon-138. {1}.

88. Plymouth & Cape Cod, online http://www.my-ged.com/hadaway/. {1}.

89. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 14. {2}.

90. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 18. {2}.

91. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, "1722", person 18. {2}.

92. Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History Supplement (Salt Lake City, Utah: self published, 1988), "1717", person 18. Hereinafter cited as Wixom Family History Supplement. {2}.

93. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 18. {2}.

94. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 18. {2}.

95. Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History Supplement (Salt Lake City, Utah: self published, 1988), "1717", person 18. Hereinafter cited as Wixom Family History Supplement. {2}.

96. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 18. {2}.

97. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 19. {2}.

98. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 19. {2}.

99. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 19. {2}.

100. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 5. {0}.

101. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 22. {2}.

102. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 22. {2}.

103. research note: Todd Renfro, "Barnabas Hirum Wixom (abt. 1740 - abt. 1793)" https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixom-7. {1}.

104. research note: Todd Renfro, "Barnabas Hirum Wixom (abt. 1740 - abt. 1793)" https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wixom-7. {1}.

105. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 22, p 6. {2}.

106. Ancestry.com, The Generations Network Inc., online search.ancestry.ca, Year: 1790; Census Place: Chemung, Montgomery, New York; Series: M637; Roll: 6; Page: 80; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 0568146. Ancestry.com. 1790 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.. {1}.

107. research note: Solomon's father was Joshua Wixam as per 1) Solomon's baptism record of 1751, 2) family tradition. {2}.

108. research note: Solomon's mother was Elizabeth as per 1) Solomon's baptism record of 1751. {1}.

109. research note: His stone says, "...died April 11, AD. 1813 / Æ D 60 years 8 months / and one day" giving a DOB of 17 Aug 1751. {1}.

110. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 26. {1}.

111. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, "Jul 1751"; indexing project (batch) number: C50753-1; "Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FCH5-QXD : accessed 03 Feb 2013), Solomon Wickson, Jul 1751; citing reference , FHL microfilm 1589030 IT 1-2.. {1}.

112. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 26. {2}.

113. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 26. {2}.

114. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyschuyl/wixson.htm, transcription, , "Solomon Rev Soldier 1752 - 11 Apr 1813 ". {2}.

115. research note: Personal visit to Stone Rise Farm, and the Wixson Cemetery there, in Oct 2012. {2}.

116. research note: List of burials at Wixson Cemetery online at http://www.paintedhills.org/STEUBEN/WixsonCem.htm, viewed in 2012. {2}.

117. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, (person 26), p 6 "Dutchess County, New York. There he grew to manhood; served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War". {2}.

118. James A. Roberts, New York In The Revolution as Colony and State (Albany, NY: Weed-Parsons Printing, 1897), Heading: Dutchess County Militia -- Regiment of Minute Men, Rank: Enlisted Men, Name: "Solomon Wickson". {1}.

119. research note: Ancestor #: A127287, Service Source: ROBERTS, NY IN THE REV, PP 154, 156, 252; NARA, M881, COMP MIL SERV RECS, ROLL #758, as per Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogy search, https://www.dar.org/national-society/genealogy, viewed Nov 2021. {2}.

120. Assumption: Since the land bounty rights were enacted by law April 1, 1778, I am assuming Solomon's connection with the 7th Reg. begins around that time.. {1}.

121. research note: "Wixon Solomon" in "Dutchess County Militia: Land Bounty Rights - 7th Regiment" in New York In The Revolution as Colony and State: A compilation of documents and records from The Office Of The State Comptroller. Online https://www.americanwars.org/ny-american-revolution/dutchess-county-militia-seventh-regiment-lbr.htm. {1}.

122. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 26. {2}.

123. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 65. {1}.

124. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, opposite p 14. {1}.

125. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799-1804 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

Original data:New York (State), Comptroller's Office. Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799-1804. Series B0950 (26 reels). Microfilm. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.. {2}.

126. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Year: 1810; Census Place: Wayne, Steuben, New York; Roll: 37; Page: 394; Image: 57.00.. {2}.

127. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, correctly indicating township of Hammondsport. {2}.

128. research note: Personal visit to Stone Rise Farm in Oct 2012. {2}.

129. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Cynthia_Farrington, Metheny-Nichols tree, online at https://www.ancestry.ca/family-tree/person/tree/32465781/person/410025665128/facts. {1}.

130. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, "1757" Batch 5004588, Source 1553239. {1}.

131. research note: Her stone in Wixson Cemetery, Hammondsport states she died 9 Oct 1837, aged "81 yrs, 7 mo", giving approximate DOB of Mar 1756. There may have been a number of days on the stone which I did not see.. {2}.

132. research note: Various dates, locations and parents are published for Mary's birth:

1755 (Orange. Co, NY to Joseph Randall and Mary Bartlett)

7 Sep 1755 (Orange Co, NY to Joseph Randall and Mary Conklin),

1756 (Massachusetts).,

9 Jan 1756 (Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co, NY to Joseph Randall and Mary Conklin, or to Joseph Randall and Mary Bartlett, or m. Obadiah Harrowsmith Pannell),

9 Mar 1756 (Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co, NY),

. {1}.

133. research note: email from Tina Kolberg 01 Aug 2005, "1837". {1}.

134. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyschuyl/wixson.htm, transcription, unknown repository, unknown repository address, "Mary relative/Solomon 1756 - 9 Oct 1837 ". {1}.

135. research note: List of burials at Wixson Cemetery online at http://www.paintedhills.org/STEUBEN/WixsonCem.htm, viewed in 2012. {2}.

136. research note: Personal visit to Stone Rise Farm, and the Wixson Cemetery there, in Oct 2012. {2}.

137. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken, a photocopied record of uncertain origin, whose text begins "Solomon was of Scotch ancestry...". {1}.

138. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, 1820; Census Place: , Steuben, New York; Roll: M33_74. {1}.

139. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 59. {2}.

140. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 59. {1}.

141. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 59. {2}.

142. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 20, &c. {0}.

143. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 60. {2}.

144. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 60. {1}.

145. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 60. {2}.

146. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 19; Image: 38.. {2}.

147. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 61. {2}.

148. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 61. {1}.

149. Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History Supplement, person 61. {2}.

150. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 61. {2}.

151. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 61. {2}.

152. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 21, &c. {0}.

153. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 62. {2}.

154. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 62. {2}.

155. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 62. {2}.

156. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 62. {2}.

157. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 63. {2}.

158. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 63. {2}.

159. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 63. {2}.

160. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 63. {2}.

161. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 64. {2}.

162. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 64. {1}.

163. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 64. {2}.

164. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 64. {2}.

165. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 65. {2}.

166. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 65. {1}.

167. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 65. {2}.

168. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 65. {2}.

169. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 22, &c. {0}.

170. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 66. {2}.

171. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 66. {2}.

172. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History. {0}.

173. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 67. {2}.

174. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 67. {2}.

175. research note: Joseph Wixon's father was Solomon Wixson, as per 1) Wixom Family History by J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison (1963), p 19. {1}.

176. research note: Joseph Wixon's mother was Mary Randall as per 1) Wixom Family History by J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison (1963), p 19. {1}.

177. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19.. {2}.

178. "Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Pickering," ( 1821-1851; microfilm); Canadian Baptist Archives; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

179. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19. {2}.

180. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19. {2}.

181. Ontario Genealogical Society, compiler, Pickering County Cemetery Listings (Whitby-Oshawa Branch: OGS), Claremount Baptist Church. {2}.

182. Deaths, The Christian Observer, microfilm, 8 Mar 1855, stating he died "at his residence, Claremont, Pickering Twp.". {2}.

183. Ontario Genealogical Society, compiler, Pickering County Cemetery Listings (Whitby-Oshawa Branch: OGS), Claremount Baptist Church. {2}.

184. Wixson Family in America, Cheryl Wixon Gocken, online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, though she gives Joseph's date of immigration as 1797. It was also siggested Joseph was a member of the Berzee [Berczy] Colony, though that is less likely, as Berczy's German settlers were only active 1794-95, not when Joseph arrived.. Hereinafter cited as Wixson Website (Gocken). {1}.

185. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes (Claremont, Ont.: Gauslin, 1974), pp 16-17. {1}.

186. Christine Mosser, compiler, York, Upper Canada: Minutes of Town Meetings and Lists of Inhabitants 1793-1823 (789 Yonge St., Toronto: Metropolitan Toronto Library Board, 1984). Hereinafter cited as York Town Minutes & Inhabitants. {2}.

187. Christine Mosser, York Town Minutes & Inhabitants, Joseph Wixen, 1802. {2}.

188. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 17. {2}.

189. Computerized Land Records Index (Ontario) c.1780-1920 several printed volumes: Free Grant, including location ticket, Reading Room, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Ontario Land Records Index. {2}.

190. Assumption: based on date of grant 1802. {1}.

191. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 8. {2}.

192. Editor not known, editor, Illustrated Historical Atlas of County Ontario (Toronto: J.H. Beers & Co., 1877), page ix. Hereinafter cited as Ontario Co. Atlas. {2}.

193. Abstract Index to Deeds, Township of Brock: for Con. 9, lot 17, source film number not recorded, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, Township of Pickering. {2}.

194. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con. 9 lot 17, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

195. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 17. {1}.

196. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con. 9 lot 18, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

197. Editor not known, Ontario Co. Atlas, p. ix, although this may have referred to Joshua, Joseph's brother. {1}.

198. Dan Walker and Fawne Stratford-Devai. Bruce Elliot, Men of Upper Canada, Militia Nominal Rolls 1828-1829 (Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1995). Hereinafter cited as Men of Upper Canada. {2}.

199. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 9. {2}.

200. R. J. Stagg, compiler, The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada (Canada: The Champlain Society jointly with Carleton University Press, 1985), p 352, footnote 44. {2}.

201. Toronto and Home District Directory, 1837, Ontario GenWeb for York County, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~onyork/york.html,visited 2002. {2}.

202. R. J. Stagg, Rebellion of 1837, p 352, including footnote 44. {2}.

203. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 9. {2}.

204. research note: M.Bone first visited Claremont in 1997.. {3}.

205. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Edward Bartley, "Bartley Family Tree" though there are hundreds of copies. {1}.

206. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 16. {1}.

207. Assumption: Wixon and Widdison (1963) say Deborah born in Tioga, PA, but I believe this is a misinterpretation of "she was from Tioga" as one assumes she was with her parents in Tioga, NY from at least 1790 until her marriage in 1798. Therefor, I also assume she was born in the same location as her other siblings: Orange Co., NY. {0}.

208. research note: Her stone in Claremont Baptist Church cemetery states date of death was 7 Sep 1855, and age 80 yrs, 9 mos, 20 d, giving a date of birth of 17 Nov 1774.. {3}.

209. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, "b. Nov. 18, 1774, at Tioga Co., Penn." p 19. {1}.

210. F. Tracy, "The Claremont Baptist Church" (photocopy, Claremont Baptist Church, c. 1935), p 3. {2}.

211. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19. {1}.

212. Rays, Levitts and Others, Ron Ray, online http://www.infowest.com/personal/r/rray/ray/index.html. {2}.

213. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19, but states death took place in Sanilac Co., Michigan. {2}.

214. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, 1800, 1801 in Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799-1804 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

Original data:New York (State), Comptroller's Office. Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799-1804. Series B0950 (26 reels). Microfilm. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.. {2}.

215. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19. {2}.

216. Deeds, Township of Pickering: or Con. 7, lot 20, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

217. Deeds, Township of Pickering: or Con. 6, lot 22., Archives of Ontario. {2}.

218. Edgar Ward, "A Short Resume of the History of the Claremont Regular Baptist Church" (photocopy, Claremont Baptist Church, 1921). Hereinafter cited as "Claremont Baptist Church". {2}.

219. Edgar Ward, "A Short Resume of the History of the Claremont Regular Baptist Church" (photocopy, Claremont Baptist Church, 1921). Hereinafter cited as "Claremont Baptist Church". {2}.

220. F. Tracy, "Claremont Baptist Church", p 2. {2}.

221. Ontario Land Records Index several printed volumes, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

222. Deeds, Township of Pickering: or Con. 7, lot 19, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

223. Abstract Index to Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: Con 8. lot 8 E½ and W½, reel 4811, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, Township of Brock. {2}.

224. Deeds, Township of Pickering: or Con. 8, lot 16, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

225. "Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Pickering," ( 1821-1851; microfilm); Canadian Baptist Archives; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

226. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken. {2}.

227. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken. {1}.

228. "Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Pickering," ( 1821-1851; microfilm); Canadian Baptist Archives; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

229. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

230. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {2}.

231. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70. {2}.

232. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {2}.

233. Edgar Ward, "A Short Resume of the History of the Claremont Regular Baptist Church" (photocopy, Claremont Baptist Church, 1921). Hereinafter cited as "Claremont Baptist Church". {2}.

234. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con 6, lot 22, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

235. P.W. Filby and M.K. Meyer, compiler, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1982-85 Cumulation (n.p.: n.pub., 1985), p 3336, as found in McKenzie, D.A. "Upper Canada Naturalization Records (1828-1850). Nominal Index to vols. 1 through 8." In Families.. Hereinafter cited as Passenger Lists. {1}.

236. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70, &c.. {2}.

237. "Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Pickering," ( 1821-1851; microfilm); Canadian Baptist Archives; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

238. F. Tracy, "Claremont Baptist Church", p 11. {2}.

239. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69, J.H. Wixom thought Amos left in 1841. {2}.

240. Assumption: as first child born b. 1825. {1}.

241. P.W. Filby and M.K. Meyer, compiler, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1982-85 Cumulation (n.p.: n.pub., 1985), p 3336, as found in McKenzie, D.A. "Upper Canada Naturalization Records (1828-1850). Nominal Index to vols. 1 through 8." In Families.. Hereinafter cited as Passenger Lists. {2}.

242. OGS, compiler, Rebels Arrested in Upper Canada 1837-1838 (Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1987). {2}.

243. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70, 189. {2}.

244. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70, &c.. {2}.

245. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {1}.

246. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {1}.

247. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

248. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

249. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71, states place of death was Stony Point (that it is the one in Essex Co. is a guess). {2}.

250. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, pp 71-72. {2}.

251. Deeds, Township of Pickering: or Con. 7, lot 21., Archives of Ontario. {2}.

252. OGS, Rebels Arrested in Upper, this may refer to Joshua Sr. instead, as no age to this referrence is given. {2}.

253. B. L. Dilts, compiler, 1848 and 1850 Canada West (Ontario) census index (Salt Lake City, UT: Index Pub., 1984). {2}.

254. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

255. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con. 8, lot 18, Con 7, lot 21, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

256. Joshua Wixson, 1871 personal census, Tilbury West Twp, Essex Co., sub N, div 2, p 8, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, viewed online. {2}.

257. D. Walker R. Burkholder F. Stratford-Devai, compiler, The District Marriage Registers of Upper Canada / Canada West (Ontario: Norsim Research and Publishing, 1998-99), Vol. 11 part 1, p 46. Groom's surname spelled "Battys". {2}.

258. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

259. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

260. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {2}.

261. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

262. research note: Randal's father was Joseph Wixson as per 1) "Wixom Family History", Wixom & Widdison, Salt Lake CIty (1963), 2) Randal's letter from England in 1839, 3) evidence surrounding the events of the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837. {2}.

263. research note: Randal's mother was Deborah Townsend as per 1) "Wixom Family History", Wixom & Widdison, Salt Lake CIty (1963). {1}.

264. Upper Canada Land Petitions Book W, bundle 14, Vol. 530, item 53: stated birth place as such, "native of town of York" while also being "of East Gwillimbury" at time of grant, RG1 L3, reel C-2955, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

265. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 66. {1}.

266. Kathleen Conat, "Wixson and Sorter," e-mail message from ([address withheld]) to M. Bone, 26 Jan 2003, "The Wixom Family History Supplement also provides the information that Randal remarried on November 13, 1859, in Sanilac County, Michigan, to Eliza Fuller, born about 1817, widow of another of Mackenzie's rebels, Colin Degeer. No children were recorded from this union."

. {1}.

267. Kathleen Conat, "Wixson and Sorter," e-mail to M. Bone, 26 Jan 2003, "Regarding Annis (Annie) Fenton Wixson.... [as per] The Wixom Family History Supplement, Ruth S. Widdson, SLC (1988) Annis and Annie were, indeed, one and the same. Annis divorced Randal after Mackenzie's Rebellion under a special dispensation allowed by the government". {1}.

268. Upper Canada Land Petitions Book W, bundle 14, Vol. 530, item 53, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

269. Ontario Land Records Index several printed volumes: Brock Con 5, lot 5 was later granted to another settler in the mid 1830's., Archives of Ontario. {2}.

270. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: Con 6, lot 9, instrument 7594, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

271. R. J. Stagg, Rebellion of 1837, p 118, footnote 14. {1}.

272. R. J. Stagg, Rebellion of 1837, p 118, footnote 14. {2}.

273. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "R. Wixon": York, Upper Canada Commercial Directory, 1833, (n.p.), York (Toronto), circa 1833. Genealogical Research Library, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s [database on-line].. {1}.

274. R. J. Stagg, Rebellion of 1837, p 118, including footnote 14. {2}.

275. research note: Montreal Gazette, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA, Tuesday, January 29, 1839. p1. {2}.

276. Letter from Randal Wixson (Pickering Twp, Upper Canada) to Joseph Wixson, after July 1839; MG24-B136 Vol. 1 National Archives of Canada (395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N3). {2}.

277. R. J. Stagg, Rebellion of 1837, p 118, footnote 14. {2}.

278. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 66. {1}.

279. research note: Randal not evident in 1840 USA census. {0}.

280. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: Con 6, lot 9, instrument 28947, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

281. Randal Wixson, 1860 personal census, Lexington Twp., Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 375., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

282. Assumption: That Annis' father was William Fenton as per 1) Annis's 1859 adult baptism, 2) Annis appears as his daughter in Old Johnson Bible. {2}.

283. Assumption: Annis' mother was Sarah as per 1) Annis's 1859 adult baptism, 2) Annis appears as "Sarah's" daughter in Old Johnson Bible. {2}.

284. Assumption: censuses: 1861 age=53, 1871 age=62, 1881 age=70, death in 1888 age=74yrs9mos; giving dates of birth of 1808, 1809, 1811 and Mar 1810.. {1}.

285. Steve Marshall, "Notes and Findings on the Fenton family of York County," York Region Ancestors Vol.12, No. 2, p 6 (May/Jun 2006): exact date for "Annas Fenton", Re genealogies by Norman Wideman, specifically "Information from the old Johnson bible", donated 15 June 1973, received from Mrs. John Little, Kettleby ON.. {2}.

286. Assumption: I assume the reference to adult baptism is Annis Fenton's because 1) it accords with 1861 census where she declares herself as RC, 2) it connects with family of William Fenton (1762-1813) who lived in East Gwillimbury, and 3) occurred in one of three of the closest Catholic churches to her residence in 1861, near Vroomanton (enummeration district 3, Brock Twp.). 4) "Mary Ann" likely a more acceptable baptismal name than Annis/Annas. {1}.

287. research note: Parish Registers of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Beaverton, Ontario, record online by York Region Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~onyrbogs/ref_015.htm, viewed Jan 2013. {1}.

288. Steve Marshall, "", "Who was this? I think she could have been... "Annas...... then an adult, renouncing her protestant faith and being baptized into the Catholic church.". {1}.

289. Assumption: Annis's 2-acre property was transfered though Thomas Wiggins to Esther Wiggins (her daughter-in-law) c. 1885, and was finally sold in 1888 -- perhaps because Annis had died.. {0}.

290. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, searched 1869-1897 with variety of spellings, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {0}.

291. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken, This received from C. Gocken via email: Death Notice: DIED, at the residence of Mr. Richard Flewell, Quaker Hill, on Sunday, December 28th, 1884, ANNIS WIXSON, aged 74 yrs. and 9 months. Friends of deceased will meet at her late residence at 1 o'clock, on Tuesday the 30th inst., and proceed to the Friend's Burying Ground, Quaker Hill. " -- source: The Wixom Family History Supplement, Ruth S. Widdson, Salt Lake City (1988). {1}.

292. research note: The following resources checked: Ont. Arch. MS 451 Reel 4 items 3 (Friends), 4,5 (Sharrard), 17 (Claremont). Reel 83 items 3 (Claremont) and 15 (Friends). Inscriptions listed for "Friends" in Pickering and "Quaker Hill" in Uxbridge do not show Annis Wixson or Fenton.. {0}.

293. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken, This received from C. Gocken via email -- original source: The Wixom Family History Supplement, Ruth S. Widdson, Salt Lake City (1988). {1}.

294. OGS, compiler, Rebels Arrested in Upper Canada 1837-1838 (Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1987). {2}.

295. Letter, Randal Wixson to Joseph Wixson, after July 1839, Although the letter is hand-written, it is clear the name is Annis and not Annie.. {2}.

296. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "A. Wixon", Brown's Toronto City and Home District Directory 1846-7, George Brown, Toronto, 1846. Genealogical Research Library, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s [database on-line].. {1}.

297. Annis Wixson, 1861 personal census, Brock Twp., reel C-1056, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

298. Annis Wickson, 1871 personal census, Uxbridge, C-9976, dist49, A1, p 61, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

299. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: Con 7, lot 10, instrument 4376, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

300. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177: where name "Wickson, Annis" appears as the incorrect "McRsore, Anne". The original microfilmed census reveals the typographical error.. {3}.

301. Richard Flewell, 1881 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-13244 dist 133 A3 p38, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {3}.

302. From the research files of Cheryl Gocken, This received from C. Gocken via email -- original source: The Wixom Family History Supplement, Ruth S. Widdson, Salt Lake City (1988). {1}.

303. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: Con 7, lot 10, instrument 5584, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

304. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 66. {2}.

305. Steve Marshall, "", "Annas Fenton", Re genealogies by Norman Wideman, specifically "Information from the old Johnson bible", donated 15 June 1973, received from Mrs. John Little, Kettleby ON.. {2}.

306. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14711. {2}.

307. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14711. {2}.

308. Richard Flewell, 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~ongenpro/census/. {2}.

309. Robert Wixon, 1860 personal census, Lexington Twp., Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 393., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

310. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.. {1}.

311. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 191. {1}.

312. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, No record of Robert in this database: Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. {0}.

313. Kathleen Conat, "Wixson and Sorter," e-mail message from ([address withheld]) to M. Bone, 26 Jan 2003, "The Wixom Family History Supplement also provides the information that Randal remarried on November 13, 1859, in Sanilac County, Michigan, to Eliza Fuller, born about 1817, widow of another of Mackenzie's rebels, Colin Degeer. No children were recorded from this union."

. {1}.

314. "Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Pickering," ( 1821-1851; microfilm); Canadian Baptist Archives; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

315. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con 8, lot 18, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

316. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 192, and John person 60. {1}.

317. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {2}.

318. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, and also quoting Abbrev: MI Death Records, Title: internet source: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/scripts/gendis/, Page: Sanilac Co., MI Ledger 72, pg 114. {1}.

319. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, and also quoting Abbrev: MI Death Records, Title: internet source: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/scripts/gendis/, Page: Sanilac Co., MI Ledger 72, pg 114. {1}.

320. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 192. {1}.

321. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

322. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

323. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, inc. Title: Marriage Index: Michigan and Wisconsin, 1830-1900, Publication: Broderbund Software: FTM CD#251. {1}.

324. Todd Labadie, "Louisa Wixson," e-mail message from [address witheld] to M. Bone, 12 Aug 2002. {2}.

325. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

326. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

327. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {1}.

328. Charles Lowe, "Lemuel Wixson's Military Service," e-mail message from [email on request] (Austin, Texas) to Martyn Bone, 12 Sep 2002. {1}.

329. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 192. {1}.

330. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 192. {1}.

331. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, person 193. {2}.

332. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, person 193. {2}.

333. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, person 193. {1}.

334. George Spencer, 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

335. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, person 193. {1}.

336. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67. {0}.

337. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67. {1}.

338. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67. {1}.

339. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67. {1}.

340. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67. {1}.

341. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, "Margara". {1}.

342. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 67, "Margara". {1}.

343. research note: From the research of Walter Udell, email of Oct 2020. {1}.

344. research note: From the research of Walter Udell, email of Oct 2020. {1}.

345. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 27. {1}.

346. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 27. {1}.

347. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 18. {1}.

348. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 18. {1}.

349. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 16. {1}.

350. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 16. {1}.

351. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 12. {1}.

352. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 12. {1}.

353. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 11. {1}.

354. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 11. {1}.

355. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 8. {1}.

356. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 18; Image: 36, age 8. {1}.

357. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 195. {1}.

358. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, Elizabeth Archer, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007, "08 Mar 1827", which is after 1st two children's births. {1}.

359. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 68. {2}.

360. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007. {2}.

361. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007, where Wixson Stevens b. Sanilac 1841. {1}.

362. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007. {1}.

363. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007. {1}.

364. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 68. {2}.

365. Deeds, Township of Pickering: for Con. 8, lot 15, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

366. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 68. {1}.

367. Assumption: children born to 1836 in Canada, 1838-1844 in NY, 1848-1852 in Michigan. {1}.

368. Jesse Wixson, 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

369. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 68, &c.. {2}.

370. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 68. {2}.

371. research note: In reply to Kathleen Conat, Jan 2003: "There were no Sorters listed in 1837 Toronto & Home District Directory at http://www.rootsweb.com/~onyork/1837.html though most of the adult Wixson appear there. Either their Sorter parents were dead by then, lived outside the Home District, but it's unlikely they were not immigrants. Jane Sorter was born in Canada, as per her declaration to the 1851 census (not stated in my website). Her supposed sister Rebecca had already left for Michigan by then, so her declaration would be found in the US census.

It's too bad more marriage information was not available in the church record. I would think the Sorter parents might be found in the Baptist Church minutes where Azor is mentioned, that is, if the Sorters were members (I didn't note whether I saw them there or not).". {0}.

372. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "OneWorldTree", author(s) unknown. {1}.

373. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "OneWorldTree", author(s) unknown. {1}.

374. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Canada, age 16. {1}.

375. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "OneWorldTree", author(s) unknown. {1}.

376. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Canada, age 16. {1}.

377. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Canada, age 14. {1}.

378. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Canada, age 14. {1}.

379. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 12. {1}.

380. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 12. {1}.

381. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 11. {1}.

382. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 11. {1}.

383. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 8. {1}.

384. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 6. {1}.

385. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. NY, age 6. {1}.

386. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Miche., age 2 yr. {1}.

387. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Miche., age 2 yr. {1}.

388. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Miche., age 2/12 yr. {1}.

389. 1850 personal census, Lexington, 1850; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 15; Image: 31., b. Miche., age 2/12 yr. {1}.

390. The Register of Rev. William Jenkins, Papers and Records, Volume 27, Published in Toronto in 1931 Pages 15-76

originally Ontario Historical Society, online http://www.tbaytel.net/bmartin/jenkins.htm,last viewed May 2002, where place of marriage recorded as "Broke", interpretted here as Brock Township, Ontario County. {2}.

391. Stevens/Brown/Marr/Robinson/Hamm/Antoine/May/Goedert, Patricia Stevens Vinent, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pasv49&id=I21,Oct 2001. {1}.

392. Assumption: children born Canada to 1842, Michigan from 1845. {1}.

393. William Stevens, 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

394. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 19, b Canada. {1}.

395. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 19, b Canada. {1}.

396. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 16, b Canada. {1}.

397. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 16, b Canada. {1}.

398. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 12, b Canada. {1}.

399. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 12, b Canada. {1}.

400. From the research files of Valerie Banks Frye. {1}.

401. St Clair County, Michigan, Marriages 1843-1893 Book 3

, Lois Wedge and Helen Whiting, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~mistcla2/m_records3.htm,viewed Dec. 2002. {2}.

402. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 10, b Canada. {1}.

403. From the research files of Valerie Banks Frye. {1}.

404. St Clair County, Michigan, Marriages 1843-1893 Book 3

, Lois Wedge and Helen Whiting, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~mistcla2/m_records3.htm,viewed Dec. 2002. {2}.

405. From the research files of Valerie Banks Frye. {1}.

406. Stevens/Brown/Marr/Robinson/Hamm/Antoine/May/Goedert, Patricia Stevens Vinent, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pasv49&id=I21,Oct 2001. {1}.

407. Stevens/Brown/Marr/Robinson/Hamm/Antoine/May/Goedert, Patricia Stevens Vinent, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pasv49&id=I21,Oct 2001. {1}.

408. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 8, b Canada. {1}.

409. Stevens/Brown/Marr/Robinson/Hamm/Antoine/May/Goedert, Patricia Stevens Vinent, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pasv49&id=I21,Oct 2001. {1}.

410. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 5, b Michigan. {1}.

411. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 5, b Michigan. {1}.

412. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 2, b Michigan. {1}.

413. 1850 personal census, Worth, 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 24; Image: 49, age 2, b Michigan. {1}.

414. D. Walker R. Burkholder F. Stratford-Devai, District Marriage Registers, Vol. 11 part 1, p 46. {2}.

415. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19. {2}.

416. Assumption: children born Canada to 1838, Michigan from 1841. {1}.

417. research note: Margaret Chapin email of 16 Jan 2004. {1}.

418. Jonathan Stevens, 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

419. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 17, b Canada. {1}.

420. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 17, b Canada. {1}.

421. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 16, b Canada. {1}.

422. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 16, b Canada. {1}.

423. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 14, b Canada. {1}.

424. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 14, b Canada. {1}.

425. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 12, b Canada. {1}.

426. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 12, b Canada. {1}.

427. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 9, b Michigan. {1}.

428. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 9, b Michigan. {1}.

429. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 7, b Michigan. {1}.

430. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 7, b Michigan. {1}.

431. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 5, b Michigan. {1}.

432. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 5, b Michigan. {1}.

433. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 1, b Michigan. {1}.

434. 1850 personal census, Worth, Year: 1850; Census Place: Worth, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M432_363; Page: 23; Image: 47., age 1, b Michigan. {1}.

435. Joseph Wixson, 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, age 44 in 1861, DOB=1816/17. {1}.

436. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19, DOB=11 Jun 1818. {2}.

437. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #14511 for 1908, states age on 27 Feb 1908 as 89 yr, 8 mo, 6 days, DOB=21 Jun 1818. {2}.

438. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line]. Likely a county-recorded marriage, full record exists, inc. mother="Bithenia Avery". {1}.

439. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/. {1}.

440. D. Walker R. Burkholder F. Stratford-Devai, District Marriage Registers, Vol 11, Part 3, p 71. {2}.

441. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, "13 Oct 1857" p 70, though this likely incorrect, re John Calvin's DOB in 1853, perhaps Abigail marriage was before that birth. {1}.

442. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 19, though it states 12 Feb as date. {2}.

443. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #14511 for 1908. {2}.

444. F. Tracy, "Claremont Baptist Church", p 5. {2}.

445. Editor not known, Ontario Co. Atlas, Map of Pickering Township. {1}.

446. Deeds, Township of Pickering: for Con. 9, lot 18, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

447. Ontario Genealogical Society, Pickering County Cemetery Listings. {2}.

448. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1. {2}.

449. Joseph Wickson, 1861 agricultural census, Ontario Co., Pickering Twp. Con. 7 lot 20, reel C-1059, Pickering, p 38, line 29, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

450. Joseph Wixson, 1871 personal census, Harwich Twp., Kent Co., sub N, div2, p 8, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, viewed online. {2}.

451. From the research files of Margaret Masterson, "Oh yes, grandpa Wilson built the house on Marlborough St. in Blenheim where Joseph Jr. and Abigail died.". {1}.

452. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #8201 for 1881, John C. died in Blenheim. {2}.

453. Assumption: Daughter Mary lived in Blenheim before her 1892 marriage. {1}.

454. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/. {1}.

455. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, viewed 2007. {2}.

456. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of County Registered Marriage, Ontario County, RG I-6-8 vol 1, item 100, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.

457. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/. {1}.

458. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line]. Likely a county-recorded marriage, full record exists, age=17 in 1860. {1}.

459. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of County Registered Marriage, Ontario County, RG I-6-8 vol 1, item 100, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.

460. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line]. Likely a county-recorded marriage, full record exists. {2}.

461. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, "Keith White sent me the info on Elizabeth and her descendants (of which he is one)". {1}.

462. "Minutes of First Baptist,", list of names of people belonging to Pickering & Whitchurch Baptist Church, "Elizabeth W., deceased 14 Dec 1850".. {2}.

463. Ontario Genealogical Society, Pickering County Cemetery Listings, [someone] ... of Wixson who died Dec 14 1850, aged 31 years 3 m 2 days. {1}.

464. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

465. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, age 29 in 1861, DOB=1831/32. {1}.

466. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71, states DOB=c. 1835. {2}.

467. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #17449 for 1916. {2}.

468. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, age 8 in 1861, DOB=1852/53. {2}.

469. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line], stating mother=Abigale Sharrard. {2}.

470. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #8201 for 1881, states age was 27 yr, 8 mo, 3 days at death. {2}.

471. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, age 8 in 1861, DOB=1852/53. {1}.

472. Stirling/Hastings/McEachern/Ford Families of Ontario, online http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/, "Information on this line came from Peggy Price" -- suggested that John Calvin's mother was Elizabeth Hebner, but she died 3 years before John was born. {1}.

473. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8848, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

474. marriage announcements, The Christian Observer, microfilm, "04 Jan 1872". {2}.

475. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line]. {2}.

476. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #8201 for 1881. {2}.

477. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {2}.

478. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {2}.

479. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, "8 Oct 1863", p 69. {2}.

480. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8849, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

481. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {2}.

482. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {2}.

483. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, 1930; Census Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Roll: 1513; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 97; Image: 922.0.. {2}.

484. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {1}.

485. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #599 for 1874. {2}.

486. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #5999 for 1874, where birth occurred 6y 9m 2d previously. {2}.

487. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8850, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

488. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #5999 for 1874. {2}.

489. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {1}.

490. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #5902 for 1892, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Wixon, Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

491. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #5902 for 1892, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Wixon, indicates c. 1868. {1}.

492. From the research files of Margaret Masterson, "She was born July 8, 1868 in Claremont ". {1}.

493. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8852, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

494. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #5902 for 1892. {1}.

495. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {1}.

496. From the research files of Margaret Masterson, "Mary Deborah Wixson married Herbert S. Wilson in 1890 - not 1892. ". {1}.

497. From the research files of Margaret Masterson, "died Aug. 8, l953 in Highgate". {1}.

498. From the research files of Margaret Masterson. {1}.

499. From the research files of Margaret Masterson, email of 29 Jan 2005. {2}.

500. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #6001 for 1874, registered late. {2}.

501. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #6001 for 1872, where b was 1y 8m 18d earlier. {2}.

502. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8853, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

503. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, "5 Mar 1871" #24117 for 1871, and considered to be most correct. {2}.

504. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #6001 for 1874, registered late. {1}.

505. Assumption: as her parents m. 1857. {1}.

506. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #6082 for 1896, age 22. {2}.

507. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8854, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

508. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 69. {1}.

509. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #6082 for 1896. {2}.

510. F. Tracy, "Claremont Baptist Church", p 2. {2}.

511. Esther, "Wixsons," e-mail message to M. Bone, 6 May 2002. {1}.

512. Esther, "Wixsons," e-mail message to M. Bone, 6 May 2002. {1}.

513. Esther, "Wixsons," e-mail message to M. Bone, 6 May 2002. {1}.

514. Esther, "Wixsons," e-mail message to M. Bone, 6 May 2002. {1}.

515. D. Walker R. Burkholder F. Stratford-Devai, District Marriage Registers, Vol 11, Part 2, p 156. Bride's surname spelled "Wixon". {2}.

516. Esther, "Wixsons," e-mail message to M. Bone, 6 May 2002. {0}.

517. TheShipsList-D Digest Volume 01 : Issue 611, RootsWeb, online http://www.cimorelli.com/ShipsList/digest/august_2001/aug_13_2001_V01%23611.txt, email to RootsWeb from Kevin Miller, Aug 2001. {1}.

518. Asor Wixson, 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, age 42 in 1851, DOB c. 1808/09. {2}.

519. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, first born c. 1837. {2}.

520. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con. 8, lot 18, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

521. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28. {2}.

522. Kathleen Conat, "Wixson and Sorter," e-mail to M. Bone, 26 Jan 2003, "Do you know of any history of heart disease in the Wixson family? Azor died "at the ditch" in front of the family home on Babcock Road, Jeddo, St. Clair County, Michigan, of a massive heart attack. Most of the male descendants of his daughter, Rachel, have also died of sudden massive coronaries. I'm trying to trace whether or not this is a genetic thing.". {2}.

523. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28. {1}.

524. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70. {2}.

525. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70. {1}.

526. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70. {2}.

527. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 70. {2}.

528. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, age 14 in 1851, DOB c. 1836/37. {2}.

529. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, age 14 in 1851, DOB c. 1836/37. {2}.

530. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

531. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, age 12 in 1851, DOB c. 1838/39. {2}.

532. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, age 12 in 1851, DOB c. 1838/39. {2}.

533. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {2}.

534. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, DOB given as equal to 1851 census year. {2}.

535. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel 972, 12, p 113, line 28, DOB given as equal to 1851 census year. {2}.

536. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 191. {2}.

537. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, pp 191. {2}.

538. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, pp 191-2. {2}.

539. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 8. {2}.

540. Lillian M. Gauslin, From Paths to Planes, p 265. {1}.

541. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=cwixgo&id=I1323. {2}.

542. D. Walker R. Burkholder F. Stratford-Devai, District Marriage Registers, Vol 11, Part 2, p 100. Bride's surname was "Elsthorp". {2}.

543. Deeds, Township of Pickering: Con 7, lot 21, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

544. Benjamin Wixson, 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

545. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

546. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 30 in 1851, DOB=1820/21. {2}.

547. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/, http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=cwixgo&id=I1323. {1}.

548. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {2}.

549. Wixson Website (Gocken), online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/6734/. {2}.

550. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 11 in 1851, DOB=1839/40. {2}.

551. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 11 in 1851, DOB=1839/40. {1}.

552. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

553. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 9 in 1851, DOB=1841/42. {2}.

554. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 9 in 1851, DOB=1841/42. {1}.

555. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

556. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 194. {2}.

557. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 194. {2}.

558. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 7 in 1851, DOB=1843/44. {2}.

559. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 7 in 1851, DOB=1843/44. {1}.

560. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {1}.

561. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {2}.

562. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 3 in 1851, DOB=1847/48. {2}.

563. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, age 3 in 1851, DOB=1847/48. {1}.

564. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 194. {1}.

565. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, DOB=1851 (the census year). {2}.

566. 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, DOB=1851 (the census year). {2}.

567. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 72. {1}.

568. Assumption: Samuel's father was likely Randal Wixson, based on 1) The sale of land to Samuel by Joseph Wixson Sr. in 1851: the neighbouring property (E½ lot 9, Con. 6, Brock Twp.) was owned by Joseph Wixson Sr.'s son Randal Wixson from 1829 to 1847, 2) Samuel's wife Esther Rawson's family (Con.9, lot 20) lived near to Joseph Wixson Sr. (Con.9, lot 18) in 1851, 3) various evidence suggesting that i) Samuel's mother was Annis, ii) Annis was also known as Annie Fenton, iii) Annie Fenton's husband was Randal Wixson. N.B. No original evidence found so far explicitly states that Randal Wixson had a son named Samuel, or that Samuel Wixson's father was Randal.. {1}.

569. research note: Samuel's mother was Annis/Annie Fenton as per: 1) apparent relationship in 1861 census, 2) relationship between Annis and the late Samuel's wife Esther c.1885 and 1888 surrounding the late Annis's property in Brock Township (purchased 1879), 3) various evidence suggesting that i) Samuel's father was Randal Wixson, ii) Randall Wixson's wife was Annie Fenton, iii) Annie Fenton was Annis Wixson. {1}.

570. research note: age 35 in 1861, 43 in 1871, suggesting DOB 1826, 1828. {2}.

571. Samuel Wixson, 1861 personal census, Brock Township, reel C-1056, Brock dist 3, p 41, line 1, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, first child Clarissa's DOB 1853, aged 7 in 1861. {1}.

572. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: regarding Brock Twp., lot 9, con. 6, West half: memorial recorded 24 Jan 1852 shows Samuel Wixson without wife, 5 Jan 1854 shows Samuel Wixson & W(ife), Archives of Ontario. {1}.

573. Assumption: Date of marriage should not predate 1851, as Esther was at parents for that census. {1}.

574. Assumption: as Esther is a widow by 1879. {1}.

575. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, searched 1869-1897 with variety of spellings, no Samuel. {0}.

576. Assumption: Notation with no source recorded. I suspect this note refers to agricultural census data from 1851 where Head of Household recorded. Some of Brock Twp. 1851 personal census was lost before microfilming.. {1}.

577. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: W½ lot 9, Con. 6, instrument# 39959, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

578. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: W½ lot 9, Con. 6, instrument# 39959, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

579. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: E½ lot 9, Con. 6, instrument# 7594, 28947, Archives of Ontario. {1}.

580. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: E½ lot 8, Con. 8, instrument# 2229, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

581. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: E½ lot 8, Con. 8, instrument# 2399, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

582. Deeds, Township of Brock Vol. A: W½ lot 9, Con. 6, instrument# 2188, Archives of Ontario. {2}.

583. 1861 Agricultural Census, Ontario County, reel C-1059, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, district 3 ran from Con. 9 lot 16 in the NE, to Con 7. lot 1 in the SW, which a three-concession band running across the township.. {1}.

584. 1861 personal census, Brock Township, reel C-1056, Brock dist 3, p 41, line 1. {2}.

585. Samuel Wixson, 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, including schedules 1, 3, 4 and 5. {2}.

586. research note: no records found. {2}.

587. research note: Esther's father was John Rawson as per: 1) registration of Esther's second marriage in 1879, 2) John's census of 1851. {2}.

588. research note: Esther's mother was Esther Linton as per: 1) registration of Esther's second marriage in 1879 where mother was "Esther", 2) John's census of 1851 where mother was "Esther", 3) that mother's maiden name was "Esther Linton" suggested by J. Remo's research, and suported by marriage of John Rawson to Esther Linton 1830 in IGI, indexing project (batch) number: M01210-2. {2}.

589. Joseph Wixson, 1901 personal census, Cannington, Ontario, T-6486, Dist 97 D2, p6, line27, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where DOB given 12 Mar 1837. {2}.

590. research note: based on declared ages: 1851 as 16, 1861 as 23, 1871 as 36, 1879 as 43, giving DOBs of 1834, 1837, 1834 and 1835. {2}.

591. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, # 7873 for 1879, (reel 31). {2}.

592. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #32037 for 1905, age given as 69 years. {3}.

593. Thomas Wiggins, 1881 personal census, Brock Twp., reel C-13245, dist 133, Brock E2, pg 23, line 1, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

594. Esther Wixson, 1891 personal census, Cannington, reel T-6357, dist 100, D, p 37, line 2, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

595. Toronto City Directory (Toronto: W. H. Irwin (1870-73), Fisher&Taylor (1874-77), Might&Co. (1878-82, 1891-2003), R. L. Polk (1883-90), pub. annually), vol. 1894. {1}.

596. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1896, 1898, 1899, 1900. {1}.

597. 1901 personal census, Cannington, Ontario, T-6486, Dist 97 D2, p6, line27. {3}.

598. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1903. {1}.

599. 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, DOB 1863, aged 8 in 1871. {1}.

600. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 380, Reference Number: 14674. {2}.

601. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 380, Reference Number: 14674. {2}.

602. Richard Flewell, 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~ongenpro/census/. {2}.

603. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 66, where Richard's surname is "Flurrett". {1}.

604. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177, where RIchard's name is "Flewell", and also for Clarissa and the children. {2}.

605. Richard Flewell, 1881 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-13244 dist 133 A3 p38, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {3}.

606. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177: where name "Wickson, Annis" appears as the incorrect "McRsore, Anne". The original microfilmed census reveals the typographical error.. {3}.

607. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177, where RIchard's name is "Flewell", and also for Clarissa and the children. {2}.

608. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #18912 for 1897. {3}.

609. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 14. {1}.

610. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 14. {1}.

611. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 12. {1}.

612. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 12. {1}.

613. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 7. {1}.

614. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 7. {1}.

615. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 6. {1}.

616. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 6. {1}.

617. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 3. {1}.

618. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 3. {1}.

619. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 1. {1}.

620. 1851 personal census, Uxbridge Twp., C-11742 , Ont 26, 246, p35, age 1. {1}.

621. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177. {1}.

622. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Canadian census, Family History Library Film 1375880, NA Film Number C-13244, District 133, Sub-district A, Division 3, Page Number 38, Household Number 177. {1}.

623. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 178043, Page Number: 217, Reference Number: 4538. {2}.

624. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14710. {2}.

625. research note: age 22 in 1851, 22 in 1854, 27 in 1860, 30 in 1861, suggesting DOB 1829, 1832, 1833, 1831. {2}.

626. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Batch M518801, Source 0978669. {2}.

627. Charles Lowe, "Lemuel Wixson's Military Service," e-mail to Martyn Bone, 12 Sep 2002, quotes "Sanilac County (Michigan). County Clerk (Main Author), Marriage Records, v. 1-3, 1849-1887 (Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1975), v. 1, p. 50, 02 Sep 1854, Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-1003, FHL US/CAN Film 0978669. Microfilm of originals in Sandusky, Michigan. Includes index. Some dates are mixed. v. 1 (1849-1867); v. 2 (1867-1886); v. 3 (1887-1889)."

Note that the Dept. Clerk that actually entered the

marriage record into the County marriage book was

Randal Wixson. All around, I'd say it was a Wixson

wedding from A to Z. {2}.

628. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 191. {1}.

629. Charles Lowe, "Lemuel Wixson's Military Service," e-mail to Martyn Bone, 12 Sep 2002, Charles quoted from -- US Army Military History Institute. "Tenth Michigan Infantry, Regular Volunteers, 1861-1865". Civil War Unit Histories, Part 4, The Union - Midwest and West: Regimental Histories and Personal Narratives. Bethesda, Maryland: University Publications of America, 1993, p. 123. {2}.

630. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14710. {1}.

631. Benjamin Wixson, 1851 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-973, Pickering, p 239, line 13, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

632. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. {2}.

633. Charles Lowe, "Lemuel Wixson's Military Service," e-mail to Martyn Bone, 12 Sep 2002, age 17 in 1854, DOB=1834 (age at marriage). {2}.

634. 1860 personal census, Lexington Twp., Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 393., age 26 in 1860, born NY, USA. {2}.

635. From the research files of Charles Lowe, (FHL US/CAN Film 0978669, Sanilac County marriage records, vol. 1, 1849-1867.) and (FHL US/CAN Film 1254572, National Archives Film T9-0572, p. 618C.). {1}.

636. research note: Charles Lowe email 22 Sep 2002. {2}.

637. From the research files of Charles Lowe, (FHL US/CAN Film 0978669, Sanilac County marriage records, vol. 1, 1849-1867.) and (FHL US/CAN Film 1254572, National Archives Film T9-0572, p. 618C.). {1}.

638. Ancestors & Kin of Charles E. Lowe, Jr., Jr. Charles E. Lowe, online http://members.telocity.com/~celowejr,viewed Fall of 2002. {1}.

639. Ancestors & Kin of Charles E. Lowe, Jr., Jr. Charles E. Lowe, online http://members.telocity.com/~celowejr,viewed Fall of 2002. {1}.

640. Ancestors & Kin of Charles E. Lowe, Jr., Jr. Charles E. Lowe, online http://members.telocity.com/~celowejr,viewed Fall of 2002. {1}.

641. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14712. {2}.

642. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Film Number: 177937, Page Number: 381, Reference Number: 14712. {2}.

643. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, person 191. {1}.

644. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. {2}.

645. Denis Wixon, 1860 personal census, Marion, Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 479., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America. {2}.

646. Ancestors & Kin of Charles E. Lowe, Jr., Charles E. Lowe, online http://celowejr.home.texas.net/ancestors/index.htm#TOC, speaks of Melvin and Elmer.. {1}.

647. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. {2}.

648. research note: Copyright © 1995, Don Harvey, Revised 14 June 1996, at http://users.aol.com/dlharvey/batti.htm. {1}.

649. 1860 personal census, Marion, Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 479., age 21. {1}.

650. 1860 personal census, Marion, Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 479., age 4 mos. {1}.

651. 1860 personal census, Marion, Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: M653_558; Page: 0; Image: 479., age 4 mos. {1}.

652. From the research files of Charles Lowe, (FHL US/CAN Film 0978669, Sanilac County marriage records, vol. 1, 1849-1867.) and (FHL US/CAN Film 1254572, National Archives Film T9-0572, p. 618C.). {1}.

653. From the research files of Charles Lowe, (FHL US/CAN Film 0978669, Sanilac County marriage records, vol. 1, 1849-1867.) and (FHL US/CAN Film 1254572, National Archives Film T9-0572, p. 618C.). {1}.

654. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of County Registered Marriage, Ontario County, RG I-6-8 vol 1, item 44. {1}.

655. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line]. Likely a county-recorded marriage, full record exists, inc. mother="Bithenia Avery". {1}.

656. research note: Nancy aged 39 in 1881 census. {2}.

657. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of County Registered Marriage, "1859", Ontario County, RG I-6-8 vol 1, item 44. {1}.

658. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #21931 for 1882. {2}.

659. Samuel Bundy, 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, unknown repository unknown repository address. {2}.

660. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 21. {1}.

661. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 19. {1}.

662. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 19. {1}.

663. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 18. {1}.

664. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 18. {1}.

665. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 15. {1}.

666. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 15. {1}.

667. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 12. {1}.

668. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 12. {1}.

669. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 10. {1}.

670. 1881 personal census, Pickering Twp., roll C-13244, 132, A4, p25 house 118, age 10. {1}.

671. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, age 15 in 1861, DOB=1845/46. {2}.

672. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, pp 70-71, Franklin born before Elizabeth's death, and before Joseph's remarriage to Abigail. {2}.

673. 1861 personal census, Pickering Twp., reel C-1057, Pickerng, p 144 line 1, age 15 in 1861, DOB=1845/46. {1}.

674. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {2}.

675. Franklin Wixon, 1901 perosnal census, Ingersoll, T-6489, 102 B3, p4, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

676. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8847, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

677. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

678. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of County Registered Marriage, Ontario County, RG I-6-8 vol 2, item 67. {2}.

679. Christian Observer. {0}.

680. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

681. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

682. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Census of Canada, Family History Library Film 1375884, NA Film Number C-13248, District 135, Sub-district F, Page Number 9, Household Number 45. {3}.

683. Franklin Wixon, 1901 perosnal census, Ingersoll, T-6489, 102 B3, p4, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

684. Findlay/Finlay Family, G. Findlay, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/findlay_finlay/1/data/285,viewed Feb 2003. {1}.

685. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {2}.

686. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {2}.

687. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {2}.

688. Findlay/Finlay Family, G. Findlay, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/findlay_finlay/1/data/285,viewed Feb 2003. {1}.

689. Findlay/Finlay Family, G. Findlay, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/findlay_finlay/1/data/285,viewed Feb 2003. {1}.

690. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #5211 for 1884, age 17. {2}.

691. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #8851, Kent, declared 20 Feb 1874. {2}.

692. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {0}.

693. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #5211 for 1884. {2}.

694. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

695. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

696. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 187. {1}.

697. From the research files of John Thomas Clark. {1}.

698. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line] age 17 in 1864. {1}.

699. From the research files of John Thomas Clark. {1}.

700. From the research files of John Thomas Clark. {1}.

701. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8437 for 1885, age 38 in 1885. {1}.

702. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8437 for 1885, age 38 in 1885. {1}.

703. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8437 for 1885. {1}.

704. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 71. {1}.

705. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 192. {1}.

706. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 192. {2}.

707. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 192. {2}.

708. 1861 personal census, Brock Township, reel C-1056, Brock dist 3, p 41, line 1, DOB 1855, aged 5 in 1861. {2}.

709. 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, DOB 1855, aged 15 in 1871. {1}.

710. George Ormsby, 1901 personal census, Oro Twp, T-6496, 113 J7, p3, automatedgenealogy.com online, exact date given "16 Dec 1854". {2}.

711. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #7811 for 1878. {2}.

712. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #18797 for 1907. {1}.

713. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, 1881 Census of Canada, Family History Library Film 1375888, NA Film Number C-13252, District 139, Sub-district M, Division 2, Page Number 42, Household Number 201.. {3}.

714. George Ormsby, 1891 personal census, Oro Township, reel T-6368, Dist. 116, Oro J4, p 18, line 1, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

715. 1901 personal census, Oro Twp, T-6496, 113 J7, p3. {2}.

716. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, at Mary Ann's 2nd marriage, #18797 for 1907. {2}.

717. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, George's death #26297 for 1905. {2}.

718. Silas Smith, 1911 personal census, Innisfil Twp., 1911 / Ontario / Simcoe South / 14 Innisfil / page 11, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

719. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #7811 for 1878. {1}.

720. 1901 personal census, Oro Twp, T-6496, 113 J7, p3, exact date given. {2}.

721. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, George's death #26297 for 1905. {2}.

722. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #26297 for 1905. {3}.

723. 1891 personal census, Oro Township, reel T-6368, Dist. 116, Oro J4, p 18, line 1, Esther is 12 in 1891, DOB=1878. {1}.

724. 1891 personal census, Oro Township, reel T-6368, Dist. 116, Oro J4, p 18, line 1, Esther is 12 in 1891, DOB=1878. {1}.

725. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #30975 for 1880. {2}.

726. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #30975 for 1880. {2}.

727. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #32290 for 1883. {2}.

728. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #32290 for 1883. {2}.

729. George Ormsby, 1891 personal census, Oro Township, reel T-6368, Dist. 116, Oro J4, p 18, line 1, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

730. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #33022 for 1884. {2}.

731. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #33022 for 1884. {2}.

732. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #18797 for 1907. {1}.

733. John Daniel Wixson, 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where age recorded as 45, though DOB "23 Dec 1865", an obvious error also made when calculating husband's DOB. Son Charles correctly calulated as "1877".. {2}.

734. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #6730 for 1874, where Williton appears like Wellington in all cases, yet Charles parents are John and Martha, witness Mary G[race]. {2}.

735. From the research files of John Lyman Williton, pedigree notes "b 1877". {1}.

736. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, 6730 for 1874 states name as Clara Wixon. {2}.

737. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, for son Samuel, #20878 for 1875. {2}.

738. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, for son Charles, #20415 for 1877. {2}.

739. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, for daughter Clara, #21637 for 1879, thru Hester in 1894. {2}.

740. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Canadian Census 1881, Family History Library Film 1375881, NA Film Number C-13245, District 133, Sub-district K, Page Number 10, Household Number 40. {3}.

741. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22. {2}.

742. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1901. {2}.

743. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1906. {1}.

744. Charles Williton, 1911 personal census, West Toronto, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 25 West Toronto / page 24, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

745. From the research files of John Lyman Williton, pedigree notes. {1}.

746. From the research files of John Lyman Williton, pedigree notes. {1}.

747. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22, where age recorded as 49. {2}.

748. research note: his marriage reg., and those of several children. {2}.

749. research note: his children's reg., censuses. {2}.

750. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Canadian Census 1881, Family History Library Film 1375881, NA Film Number C-13245, District 133, Sub-district K, Page Number 10, Household Number 40. {2}.

751. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Canadian Census 1881, Family History Library Film 1375881, NA Film Number C-13245, District 133, Sub-district K, Page Number 10, Household Number 40. {2}.

752. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #20878 for 1875. {3}.

753. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22. {2}.

754. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22. {2}.

755. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #20415 for 1877. {3}.

756. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #21637 for 1879. {3}.

757. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #24277. {2}.

758. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #24277. {3}.

759. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #24649 for 1885. {3}.

760. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #28774 for 1891. {3}.

761. Charles Williton, 1911 personal census, West Toronto, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 25 West Toronto / page 24, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

762. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #22672 for 1894. {2}.

763. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #22672 for 1894. {3}.

764. research note: John Daniel's father was Samuel Wixson as per: 1) John Daniel's marriage registered in 1878, 2) Samuel's 1861 and 1871 censuses. {2}.

765. research note: John Daniel's mother was Esther Rawson as per: 1) John Daniel's marriage registered in 1878 where mother is "Esther", 2) Samuel Wixson's 1861 and 1871 censuses where John's mother is "Esther". {2}.

766. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #010672 for 1878. {2}.

767. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada;, lot 279, section C, record book, file 76, probably interred in grave number 2. {2}.

768. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #23023 for 1880, Samuel J.'s birth. {2}.

769. Daniel Wixson, 1881 personal census, Cannington, reel C-13245, Cannington, p 13, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

770. John Wikkson [sic], 1891 personal census, York West, reel T-6381, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

771. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1891, 1892. {1}.

772. Toronto City Directory (Toronto: W. H. Irwin (1870-73), Fisher&Taylor (1874-77), Might&Co. (1878-82, 1891-2003), R. L. Polk (1883-90), pub. annually), vol. 1894. {1}.

773. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1901, 1902. {1}.

774. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913. {1}.

775. John Wickson, 1911 Personal Census, West Toronto ward 7, 1911, Ontario dist 138, 26, p26, #107, Library and Archives of Canada Website 1901/1911/etc unknown repository address. {2}.

776. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1915, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1926-29, 1932-33, 1935. {1}.

777. From the research files of Marilyn Irish. {1}.

778. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1935. {1}.

779. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1937, 1938. {2}.

780. research note: Rhoda's father was John Williton as per: 1) Rhoda's marriage registration of 1878, 2) John's 1861 and 1871 censuses, 3) Rhoda's death reg. of 1934. {3}.

781. research note: Rhoda's mother was Martha Keller as per: 1) Rhoda's marriage registration of 1878 where mother is "Martha" , 2) John's 1861 and 1871 censuses including "Martha", 3) Rhoda's death reg. of 1934. {3}.

782. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, lot 279, section C, record book, file 76, interred in grave number 2. {2}.

783. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #38957 for 1934. {3}.

784. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, lot 279, section C, record book, file 76, interred in grave number 2. {2}.

785. Wixson, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, 15 Dec 1934, p 30, "funeral... Monday 17th inst., 2.30 pm. Interment Riverside cemetery, Weston". {2}.

786. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22. {2}.

787. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, lot 279, section C, record book, file 76, interred in grave number 5. {2}.

788. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #001719 - 1928, found online at http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=irishclark&id=I3603. {2}.

789. Toronto City Directory. {1}.

790. Toronto City Directory. {2}.

791. research note: age 24 in 1883, 10 in 1871, giving DOBs of 1859, 1861, and in 1901 census "1 Feb 1857". I suspect 1861 is the correct year.. {1}.

792. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8932 for 1883. {2}.

793. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #1405 for 1910, daughter Jane. {2}.

794. Robert Stevens, 1901 personal census, Parry Sound Dist., T-6482, 91, c2, p1, automatedgenealogy.com online. {1}.

795. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8932 for 1883. {1}.

796. research note: 1901 census states "29 Jul 1844", conflicting with marriage reg data. {2}.

797. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #22517 for 1882, where the informant was Daniel Wixon of Cannington (i.e. John Daniel Wixson). {1}.

798. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, County-registered marriage, Parry Sound, 1901, father="Robert Alonzo Stevens", mother="Jane Wixson". {2}.

799. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #22517 for 1882, where the informant was Daniel Wixon of Cannington (i.e. John Daniel Wixson). No father noted. Birth described as 'illegitimate'.. {2}.

800. Robert Stevens, 1901 personal census, Parry Sound Dist., T-6482, 91, c2, p1, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

801. Robert Stevens, 1901 personal census, Parry Sound Dist., T-6482, 91, c2, p1, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

802. Robert Stevens, 1901 personal census, Parry Sound Dist., T-6482, 91, c2, p1, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.

803. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35144 for 1886. {2}.

804. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35144 for 1886. {3}.

805. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #16788 for 1887. {3}.

806. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35145 for 1888. {2}.

807. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35145 for 1888. {3}.

808. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #38736 for 1891. {2}.

809. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #38736 for 1891. {3}.

810. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #33380 for 1893. {2}.

811. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #33380 for 1893. {3}.

812. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #32041 for 1895. {2}.

813. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #32041 for 1895. {3}.

814. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #313373 for 1900. {2}.

815. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #313373 for 1900. {3}.

816. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35666 for 1901. {2}.

817. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #35666 for 1901. {3}.

818. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #000256 for 1904, late registration, signed undecipherable, Kamloops BC, 2 Feb 1970. {2}.

819. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #000256 for 1904, late registration, signed undecipherable, Kamloops BC, 2 Feb 1970. {3}.

820. 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, DOB 1867, aged 4 in 1871. {1}.

821. Joseph Wixon, 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6, automatedgenealogy.com online, DOB = "Feb 1869". {2}.

822. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #9075 for 1889. {1}.

823. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #13637 for 1893. {2}.

824. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1915 states Clara is widow of Joseph. {2}.

825. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #2539 for 1914. {2}.

826. Joseph Wixson, 1891 personal census, Cannington Village, reel T-6357, dist 100, D, pg 34, line 14, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

827. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #23369 for 1895, daughter Edith, and #28762 for 1891, son Roy. {2}.

828. 1901 personal census, Cannington, Ontario, T-6486, Dist 97 D2, p6, line27. {3}.

829. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1902. {2}.

830. Assumption: was not found in Toronto Junction for 1901 census. {0}.

831. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1905, 1907, 1909. {1}.

832. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1911, 1913. {1}.

833. 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6. {2}.

834. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #2539 for 1914, 2 years ill, retired. {1}.

835. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #9075 for 1889. {1}.

836. Assumption: as Joseph remarries in 1893 as a widower (#13637). {2}.

837. 1891 personal census, Cannington Village, reel T-6357, dist 100, D, pg 34, line 14, Catherine present in 1891. {2}.

838. 1891 personal census, Cannington Village, reel T-6357, dist 100, D, pg 34, line 14, 3 months old in spring 1891. {2}.

839. 1891 personal census, Cannington Village, reel T-6357, dist 100, D, pg 34, line 14, 3 months old in spring 1891. {1}.

840. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #28762 for 1891. {2}.

841. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #13637 for 1893. {2}.

842. 1901 personal census, Cannington, Ontario, T-6486, Dist 97 D2, p6, line27, where DOB given 5 Jul 1874. {2}.

843. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1916, 1918-1921. {2}.

844. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #23369 for 1895. {2}.

845. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #23369 for 1895. {2}.

846. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #29858 for 1897. {2}.

847. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #29858 for 1897. {2}.

848. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #29138 for 1900. {2}.

849. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #29138 for 1900. {2}.

850. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #48265 for 1902. {2}.

851. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #48265 for 1902. {2}.

852. 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6, "dec 1905". {2}.

853. 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6, "dec 1905". {2}.

854. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #52074 for 1905. {2}.

855. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #52074 for 1905. {3}.

856. 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6, "dec 1909". {2}.

857. 1911 personal census, Toronto West, 1911 / Ontario / York South / 26 West Toronto / page 6, "dec 1909". {2}.

858. 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, DOB 1870, aged 1 in 1871. {1}.

859. Assumption: must be same as twin brother Jacob -- although Jacob's birthday not confirmed absolutely, it agrees more with currently known records. {2}.

860. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #14796 for 1894. {2}.

861. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1909 states Elizabeth is widow of Isaac. {1}.

862. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1896. {1}.

863. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #38500 for 1895, birth of daughter Ethel. {2}.

864. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1898. {2}.

865. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 2903, 1905, 1907. {2}.

866. Isaac Wicksson, 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, York west 131, H11, pg 9, line 7, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

867. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #14796 for 1894. {1}.

868. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, York west 131, H11, pg 9, line 7, DOB=1 Jan 1870. {1}.

869. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #2785 for 1934 [index only]. {3}.

870. Isaac Wicksson, 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, York west 131, H11, pg 9, line 7, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

871. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1909. {2}.

872. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1911. {2}.

873. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1913, 1914. {2}.

874. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #38500 for 1895. {2}.

875. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #38500 for 1895. {2}.

876. Isaac Wicksson, 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, York west 131, H11, pg 9, line 7, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.

877. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #45173 for 1899. {2}.

878. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #45173 for 1899. {2}.

879. Assumption: if his 1871 census age is true (1 yr), and his birth date is 25 Dec, he was most likely born 25 Dec 1869, and in the spring of 1871 he was 1 year old. Strangely, in the 1901 census Jacob stated his birth year was 1875! Isaac said 1877! Impossible considering their presence in 1871.. {2}.

880. 1871 personal census, Brock Township, Reel C-9976, Dist 49, E2, p 44, DOB c. 1870, aged 1 in 1871, and verifies they are twins. {1}.

881. Jacob Wixson, 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, DOB=25 Dec 1873. {2}.

882. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #17385 for 1899. {2}.

883. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #46627 for 1900, daughter Esther. {2}.

884. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29. {2}.

885. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905. {2}.

886. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29. {2}.

887. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913, &c. through to 1922. {0}.

888. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29. {2}.

889. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #17385 for 1899. {2}.

890. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29. {2}.

891. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel 6509, West York 131, H3, p6 line 29. {1}.

892. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #46627 for 1900. {2}.

893. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, 1675-25 found online at http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~maryc/tor1925p3.htm: "1675-25 Edward John AUDSLEY, 35, widower, TTC shed operator, England, 4 Inwood Ave., s/o Henry AUDSLEY (b. England) & Jeanette RUPERT, married Lyda Maud BROCKELBANK, 2-?, widow, operator, Toronto, 85 Watson Ave., d/o Jacob WIXSON (b. Ont) & Annie Maud DOWNEY, witn: William QUELCH of 4 Inwood Ave & Rosina FLECK of 6 Inwood Ave., 21 March 1925 at 454 St. Johns Rd". {1}.

894. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, 1675-25 found online at http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~maryc/tor1925p3.htm: "1675-25 Edward John AUDSLEY, 35, widower, TTC shed operator, England, 4 Inwood Ave., s/o Henry AUDSLEY (b. England) & Jeanette RUPERT, married Lyda Maud BROCKELBANK, 2-?, widow, operator, Toronto, 85 Watson Ave., d/o Jacob WIXSON (b. Ont) & Annie Maud DOWNEY, witn: William QUELCH of 4 Inwood Ave & Rosina FLECK of 6 Inwood Ave., 21 March 1925 at 454 St. Johns Rd". {2}.

895. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #49154 for 1903. {2}.

896. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #49154 for 1903. {2}.

897. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #49155 for 1903. {2}.

898. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #49155 for 1903. {2}.

899. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 339. {2}.

900. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 339. {2}.

901. Findlay/Finlay Family, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/findlay_finlay/1/data/285, reported place of birth was in "Homewood",Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. {1}.

902. J.H. Wixom and Ruth S. Widdison, Wixom Family History, p 339. {2}.

903. Findlay/Finlay Family, G. Findlay, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/findlay_finlay/1/data/285,viewed Feb 2003. {1}.

904. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, 4740-25 found online at http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~maryc/tor1925p4.htm: "4740-25 Frank Wallace ELLIOTT, 28, electrical engineer, Ontario, 210 Pine Ave in St. Lambert Que., s/o Fred C. ELLIOTT, b. Ont & Effie WIXSON, married Margaret IRVING, 29, clerk, England, 80 Chester Ave in Toronto, d/o William IRVING, b. England & Ann ARCHER, witn: Roy L. BROWN & Violet MANE?, both of Toronto, 30 Sept 1925". {1}.

905. research note: Samuel's father was John Daniel Wixson as per: 1) Samuel's birth registered in 1880, 2) Samuel's marriage registration of 1902, 3) John Daniel's 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses and City Directory entries from 1903-1906, 4) Samuel and John Daniel are buried together in Riverside Cem.. {3}.

906. research note: Samuel's mother was Rhoda J. Williton as per: 1) Samuel's birth registration of 1880, 2) Samuel's marriage registration of 1902, 3) John D. Wixson's 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses, 4) Samuel and Rhoda J. are buried together in Riverside Cem.. {3}.

907. "Regimental Documents, Samuel John Wixson, #237888", RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10516-6; National Archives of Canada; 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N3, DOB=20 Jan 1880, age 36 yrs 4 mos. Hereinafter cited as "Regimental Documents, Samuel John Wixson, #237888". {2}.

908. 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist 131, H11, p 8, line 22, DOB=20 Jan 1879, yet age was 21 (indicating DOB=1880). {2}.

909. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #23023 for 1880. {3}.

910. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #18988 for 1902. {2}.

911. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1956. {1}.

912. Deaths, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, 12 Jul 1955, p 34. {1}.

913. research note: "St Anne's Anglican Church" is assumed as address of officiant was 661 Dufferin, F. Noel Palmer?. {1}.

914. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Archives of Ontario; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Registration of Marriages 1936; Reel: 3-666. Year: 1936. {2}.

915. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1902. {1}.

916. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1903, 1904, 1905. {1}.

917. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #31996 for 1905. {2}.

918. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #51995 for 1905. {2}.

919. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1906, 1907, 1909. {1}.

920. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #6042 for 1909, born at 445 Quebec. {2}.

921. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1910, 1911, 1912, 1918, 1920-1922. {1}.

922. "Regimental Documents, Samuel John Wixson, #237888". {2}.

923. Sam John Wickson, 1911 Personal Census, Toronto ward 7, 1911, dist 138, sub 39, p16, line 17, Library and Archives of Canada Website 1901/1911/etc unknown repository address. {2}.

924. "Regimental Documents, Samuel John Wixson, #237888", Attestation Paper. {2}.

925. "Regimental Documents, Samuel John Wixson, #237888", Proceeding on Discharge. {3}.

926. Assumption: family tradition. {1}.

927. research note: Toronto Directory shows no entries for Samuel btw 1920 and 1924. {1}.

928. research note: In 1921 census, family recored in div. #7, which included Elder Mills: "Polling Division no. 7. Comprising lots 1 to 20 inclusive in the 8th and 9th concessions and lots 4 to 20 inclusive in the 10th concession / Vaughan Tp.". {1}.

929. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 102; Census Place: 102, York west, Ontario; Page Number: 7. Sub-district: 15 - Vaughan (Township); Description: Polling Division no. 7. Comprising lots 1 to 20 inclusive in the 8th and 9th concessions and lots 4 to 20 inclusive in the 10th concession / Vaughan Tp.

Ancestry.com. 1921 Census of Canada [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2013.. {2}.

930. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1925, 1926. {2}.

931. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #6142 of 1924, Daniel's address was 17 Sommerville Dec 1924. {2}.

932. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1927-28. {1}.

933. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1929-30. {1}.

934. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1932-34. {2}.

935. Blake, Annie, Toronto Star, p 42, 14 Feb 1934. {2}.

936. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1935. {2}.

937. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Voters Lists, Federal Elections, 1935-1980. Year: 1935. {2}.

938. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1937-38. {2}.

939. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1939, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1950, 1952. {2}.

940. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1953, 1955. {2}.

941. research note: Annie's father was John Blake as per: 1) Annie's birth registration in 1883, 2) Annie's marriage registration of 1902, 3) John's census of 1891, 4) Annie's death reg. of 1934. {3}.

942. research note: Annie's mother was Mary Ann Moore as per: 1) Annie's birth registration in 1883, 2) Annie's marriage registration of 1902, 3) John Blake's census of 1891, 4) Annie's death reg. of 1934. {3}.

943. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #25067 for 1934, pob="Kleinburg", though date stated as "14 Dec 1882". {2}.

944. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #41148 in 1883. {3}.

945. research note: Annie's birth date was recorded as 14 Dec 1883 for the 1901 census. {2}.

946. Blake, Annie, Toronto Star, p 42, 14 Feb 1934. {2}.

947. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #25067 for 1934. {3}.

948. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #25067 for 1934. {2}.

949. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1900. {1}.

950. Arthur Desieu [sp?], 1901 personal census, Toronto Junction, reel T-6509, dist H2, p 6, lines 30-33, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

951. Interview with William E. H. Morton (Stella, Amherst Island), by Martyn Bone, esp. 17 Jun 1995. Martyn Bone (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). {1}.

952. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #25067 for 1934. {2}.

953. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where death at age 70 occurred in Jan 1962. {2}.

954. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.

955. Wixson, Toronto Star, Toronto, 15 Jan 1962, p 27. {2}.

956. record book, Riverside Cemetery, 1567 Royal York Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, grave 5. {2}.

957. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #49193 for 1903. {3}.

958. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #6142 of 1924. {3}.

959. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1920, 1925. {2}.

960. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1926-7, 1929-30. {1}.

961. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1932-33. {1}.

962. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1935, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1956. {1}.

963. research note: Marion's father was Samuel J. Wixson as per: 1) her own declaration, 2) family tradition, 3) her 1909 birth registration. {3}.

964. research note: Marion's mother was Annie L. Blake as per: 1) her own declaration, 2) family tradition, 3) her 1909 birth registration. {3}.

965. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #6042 for 1909, though name spelled "Marian", and DOB was "12 Aug 1909". Family tradition is that Marion was born 11-Aug-1909. {3}.

966. Wixson-Morton, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, 2 Jul 1935, p 27. {2}.

967. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1929-30, 1932-33, 1935. {2}.

968. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1936-7. {2}.

969. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1938-40. {2}.

970. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1940-49. {2}.

971. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1950-54. {2}.

972. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1955. {2}.

973. research note: as described by Colleen Morton. {2}.

974. Toronto City Directory, vols.1956-57, 1959, 1962, 1965. {1}.

975. research note: Might's Metropolitan Toronto City Directory, 1966 p 999, 1967 p 893. {1}.

976. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1966-69, 1972. (N.B. vols. 1974 through 1977 report Lefroy address, though William and Marion were in Bradford then). {1}.

977. research note: First hand knowledge. {2}.

978. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, Ancestry.com. Canadian Phone and Address Directories, 1995-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.. {2}.

979. research note: William's father was Edward J. Morton as per: 1) his own declaration, 2) his birth registration of 1913, 3) apparent through many photographs. {3}.

980. research note: William's mother was Alice T. Holtorf as per: 1) his own declaration, 2) his birth registration of 1913, 3) apparent through many photographs. {3}.

981. Interview with William E. H. Morton (Stella, Amherst Island), by Martyn Bone, esp. 17 Jun 1995. Martyn Bone (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). {2}.

982. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, #51031 for 1913, found online at ancestry.ca. {3}.

983. Morton, Toronto Star, Toronto, 3 Feb 2000, p B06. {3}.

984. Interview with William E. H. Morton (Stella, Amherst Island), by Martyn Bone, esp. 17 Jun 1995. Martyn Bone (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). {3}.

985. Interview with William E. H. Morton (Stella, Amherst Island), by Martyn Bone, esp. 17 Jun 1995. Martyn Bone (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). {0}.

986. Interview, William E. H. Morton, esp. 17 Jun 1995, Although Bill thought this "Uncle" Edward was his grandfather's brother Dr. Edward of Barrie (d. 1916), it was probably his son Edward Reginald.. {1}.

987. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1934-35. {2}.

988. research note: commemorative photographs of T.D.I.A.A. finalists and champions of 1930's and 40's, mounted in main hallway of Vaughan Rd. Academy c. 2006, indicating W. E. Morton (Coach). {2}.

989. editor unknown, editor, Acta Studentium (529 Vaughan Road, Toronto: Vaughan Road Collegiate Institute, published 1941-1945), various articles, e.g. 1941, 1943 p 63, 1944 p 68. No mention in 1945.. {2}.

990. Canning Kicks Vaughan Into Championships, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, 13 Nov 1943, p 13, "One short kick was the narrow margin by which a T.D.I.A.A. football title was decide yesterday at Oakwood stadium... Vaughan and Runnymead had battled up and down a muddy field on even terms, with neither side showing a sustained advantage. There was about five minutes left in the final session... Ted Toogood, Runnymede's outstanding backfield performer... lifted a short hoist from near his goaline. That was the break Vaughan needed. They didn't waste any time, went into kick formation and Bob Canning blasted the ball deep to the deadline.". {2}.

991. Toronto City Directory, vols. 1946, 1949, 1950-54. {2}.

992. no title, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, 22 Apr 1952, p 11, "Wm. E Morton, former Secretary, has been made Vice-President and Secretary and a Directer". {2}.

993. Toronto City Directory, vol. 1967. {1}.

994. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, "1995-2000", Ancestry.com. Canadian Phone and Address Directories, 1995-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.. {2}.

995. research note: passport issued 1972. {1}.

996. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, 41-05-024094. {3}.

997. research note: Proof of death certificate, Marshall Funeral Home, 12 Mar 2024. {3}.

998. research note: personally attended. {3}.

999. research note: graduation picture. {2}.

1000. research note: Might's Metropolitan Toronto City Directory, 1965 p 987. {1}.

1001. research note: Might's Metropolitan Toronto City Directory, 1969 p 967, 1970 p 908, 1972 p 915, 1973 p 927. {1}.

1002. research note: Might's Metropolitan Toronto City Directory, 1974, p 961, 1977 p 1020). {1}.

1003. research note: Lawyer's letter of 10 Oct 2003 re offer to sell. {2}.

1004. research note: Agreement of Purchase and Sale, 21 Oct 1977. Also Transfer of Freehold Land, 30 Jan 1978.. {2}.

1005. research note: personal employment records. {2}.

1006. research note: York University certificate dated June, 1991. {2}.

1007. research note: personal descriptions. {1}.

1008. research note: Lawyer's letter of 25 May 2007 re offer to sell. {2}.

1009. research note: personal knowledge. {1}.

1010. research note: personal knowledge. {2}.

1011. Marion & Mary Morton William grave stone plot 40 Martyn Bone, 1994. {3}.

1012. research note: In 1-Jun-1921 census, aged 8 mos, so b.c. Nov 1920. {1}.

1013. research note: Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/167996633/robert-wixson : accessed 28 January 2022), memorial page for Robert Wixson (1920-1984), Find a Grave Memorial ID 167996633, citing York Cemetery, Toronto, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canada ; Maintained by family tree maker (contributor 47353710) .. {2}.

1014. research note: Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/167996633/robert-wixson : accessed 28 January 2022), memorial page for Robert Wixson (1920-1984), Find a Grave Memorial ID 167996633, citing York Cemetery, Toronto, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canada ; Maintained by family tree maker (contributor 47353710) .. {2}.

1015. research note: Death announcement published by Lathangue & Skwarchuk Funeral Home, Bradford, "in her 84th year" in 2004. {2}.

1016. research note: Death announcement published by Lathangue & Skwarchuk Funeral Home, Bradford, also found in Toronto Star 18 Sep 2004 p B7.. {3}.

1017. research note: Death announcement published by Lathangue & Skwarchuk Funeral Home, Bradford, also found in Toronto Star 18 Sep 2004 p B7.. {3}.

1018. research note: witnessed by author. {3}.

1019. research note: Email from Diane Duncan, Executive Director, Senior Persons Living Connected, sent Thu, Oct 19, 2023.. {2}.

1020. Assumption: Message from family. {1}.

1021. research note: Skwarchuk Funeral Home pamphlet. {2}.

1022. SHEPPARD Lee

, Toronto Star (online), online at http://www.torontostarclassifieds.com, 4 Jul 2007. {2}.