. {2}.
Nathaniel Sneyd grave marker Perrytown, Hope Twp., "Nathaniel Sneyd died
Jan 20, 1895 aged 67 years / His wife Martha died Jan 16, 1894 aged 53
years" The large tombstone for Nathaniel and Martha Sneyd is still in a
prime spot just west of the church. {2}.
12. Letter, George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to
Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948. {1}.
13. Letter, George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to
Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948. {1}.
14. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca,
Film #: 856060, Page #: 49, Reakes, J., comp.. Ireland, The Royal Irish
Constabulary 1816-1921 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations
Network, Inc., 2004. Original data: An Index To The Royal Irish
Constabulary, 1816-1921. 1816-1921. Microfilm LDS Family History Centre,
0852088-97-0856057-2069. "age 20, born Kildare, emigrated, enlisted 1849".
15. Letter,
George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948, "About
that time Mother had relatives in Gray County, the Clemmes and Wrights.
They invited Father to buy a farm and settle in their community, near the
village of Feversham. This seemed good to Father and Mother. Father had
eight hundred dollars in gold, and some holdings. He took the G.T.R to
Toronto, saw the agents who were selling land in Gray. He was shown what
they described as a good farm and he bought it and paid cash... When he
located his farm he found that it was a waterlogged swamp and worthless,
and he was able to collect nothing from the sharks in Toronto. On reaching
Port Hope he sold his farm implements to a would-be farmer and took a
promissory note, to be paid within a very short time. Unfortunately not
long afterwards the man whose note he held was burnt out loosing everything
and father's note was worthless.". {1}.
16. Letter, George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to
Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948, "Mother told me when they got settled
in their first home they had just one gold dollar. They settled just a mile
west of Port Hope on the Lake Shore Road, in a house we have reason to know
well.". {1}.
research note: Sneyd family not present in Hope Twp. for federal census of
1861. {0}.
Letter, George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948,
"Time passes and ten years later mother and father moved to the First
Concession of Cavan, three miles west of Bloomfield, now Bailieboro. We
were at that time Kate, Sarah, Becca and myself. Becca was prattling in the
cradle. Father and mother were now face to face with the realities of life,
on the South end of the Fair estate. This would be about the year 1866.".
19. Nathan
Snead, 1871 personal census, Cavan Twp., C-9979, #51, C1, p55, line12,
Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {2}.
20. Directory & Book of
Reference for West Riding of the County of Northumberland & County of
Durham (Port Hope, Ontario: E.E. Dodds & Bros, 1880), p 135. Hereinafter
cited as Directory of Northumberland and Durham. {2}.
21. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18. {2}.
22. Nathaniel Sned, 1891 personal census, Hope
Twp., T-6332, 58, B3, p7, Ontario Genealogical Society Provincial Index
unknown repository address. {2}.
23. research note: Martha Lockington's father
was George Lockington as per 1) Martha's 1858 marriage registration, 2)
1851 census. {2}.
24. research note: Martha Lockington's mother
was Rebecca Wright as per 1) Martha's 1858 marriage registration, 2) 1851
census. {2}.
research note: 53 in 1894, 39 in 1881, 28 in 1871, 16 in 1858, 12 in 1851,
giving DOBs of 1841, 1842, 1843, 1842, and 1839. All sources state place =
Ireland. {1}.
26. research note: Martha's death registration
not found. {0}.
27. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
death, #12192 for 1894, Archives of Ontario; Series: MS935; Reel: 72,
Ancestry.com. Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938 and Deaths Overseas,
1939-1947 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc,
2010., Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Nathaniel Sneyd grave marker Perrytown, Hope Twp. Paul Sneyd, 12 May 2006,
"Nathaniel Sneyd died Jan 20, 1895 aged 67 years / His wife Martha died Jan
16, 1894 aged 53 years / Kind Hearts are Better then Coronets and Simple
Faith than Norman Blood". {2}.
29. research note: between parent's last child
born Ireland, and first born Canada. {1}.
30. Letter, George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to
Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948. {1}.
31. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical
Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18,
where age in 1881 was 15, birthplace=Ontario. {1}.
32. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 15, birthplace=Ontario.
33. Ontario
Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, 010608-97 ...LARIMER
(Lorimer?)...married Mary Jane HARMER, ...witn: Henry SEATON of Millbrook &
Rebecca SNEYD of Bailieboro on Mar. 24, 1897 at Bensfort, Archives of
Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.
34. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 9, birthplace=Ontario.
35. research
note: does not appear in Ontario Birth Reg printed index. {0}.
36. research note: age 9 in
1881 birthplace=Ontario, age 19 in 1891, age 29 in 1900, giving DOB of
1872, 1872, 1871. In 1900 census date given as "Mar 1871". {1}.
37. research note: 4 yrs
married in 1900, 14 in 1910, suggesting 1896 as year of marriage.
38. Robert
Brewer, 1930 personal census, Buffalo Ward 4, block 379, Year: 1930; Census
Place: Buffalo, Erie, New York; Roll: 1424; Page: 3A; Enumeration District:
38; Image: 403.0., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah,
United States of America, "1895". {2}.
39. Edward Sneyd, 1900 personal census, Buffalo
Ward 25, District 216, Year: 1900; Census Place: Buffalo Ward 25, Erie, New
York; Roll: T623 1032; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 216., Ancestry.com
The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America, where
Edward was b Canada, c. 1871, to Irish parents.. {2}.
40. Edward Sneyd, 1910
personal census, North Tonawanda Ward 1, Year: 1910; Census Place: North
Tonawanda Ward 1, Niagara, New York; Roll: T624_1049; Page: 9A; Enumeration
District: 121; Image: 825., Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo,
Utah, United States of America. {2}.
41. 1930 personal census, Buffalo Ward 4, block
379, Year: 1930; Census Place: Buffalo, Erie, New York; Roll: 1424; Page:
3A; Enumeration District: 38; Image: 403.0., b Canada, c 1872 to parents
born Northern Ireland. {2}.
42. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical
Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18,
where age in 1881 was 7 mo. and DOB of Sep 1880 stated, birthplace=Ontario.
FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online
http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in
1881 was 7 mo. and DOB of Sep 1880 stated, birthplace=Ontario.
44. Ontario
Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, 223976-1882 [index only viewed]
states date of birth is 26 Nov 1882 Hope Twp., though full record not
read., Archives of Ontario, 77 Grenville, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Assumption made by researcher: Elizabeth not present for 1891 census, would
have been 11. {1}.
46. Nathan Snead, 1871 personal census, Cavan
Twp., C-9979, #51, C1, p55, line12, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.
47. Nathan Snead, 1871 personal census, Cavan
Twp., C-9979, #51, C1, p55, line12, Archives of Ontario 77 Grenville,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. {1}.
48. Asa Barnard, 1901 personal census,
Peterborough, T-6492, 107 C1, p5, automatedgenealogy.com online, exact date
"13 May 1859". {2}.
49. research note: transcript of Port Hope
Evening Guide 16 Sep 1918 p1 c3 on Trumper Family Page
(http://users.interlinks.net/trumper/), "W/o Asa Barnard; m/o Harry & Mrs.
Whittington (Edith);sis/o Fred Sneyd of PH;d/o Nathaniel &
Martha(Lockington)". {0}.
50. Assumption: that marriage took place before
1st child in 1878. {0}.
51. research note: transcript of Port Hope
Evening Guide 16 Sep 1918 p1 c3 on Trumper Family Page
(http://users.interlinks.net/trumper/), "W/o Asa Barnard; m/o Harry & Mrs.
Whittington (Edith);sis/o Fred Sneyd of PH;d/o Nathaniel &
Martha(Lockington)". {2}.
52. research note: personal visit to cemetery
Jul 2007, east side of road #28, on northern edge of town: ASA BARNARD
1854-1928, CATHERINE SNEYD, WIFE, D SEP 14, 1918, AGED 58Y 4M, GOD HAS
53. Asa Barnard, 1881 personal census, Monahan
South Twp., C-13241, 126 d, p 33 #150, IGI unknown repository address.
54. 1901
personal census, Peterborough, T-6492, 107 C1, p5. {2}.
55. Asa Barnard, 1911
Personal Census, Monaghan South Twp, 1911 / Ontario / Peterborough West /
11 Monaghan South / page 2, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
56. 1901 personal census,
Peterborough, T-6492, 107 C1, p5, exact date "14 Dec 1854". {2}.
57. research note:
transcript of Port Hope Evening Guide 09-Apr-1926 p1 c3
(http://www.nhb.com/horner/D1923.htm), "Born in Bailieboro; married c1879,
Katherine Sneyd of Garden Hill who died 1918; married Annie Lockington
c1920, born Bailieboro. See also Apr.12, p1,c3".. {2}.
58. research note:
transcript of Port Hope Evening Guide 14 Jan 1920, p4 col 4, online at
http://www.nhb.com/trumper/M1900.htm. {2}.
59. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Marriage, #20427 for 1920. {2}.
60. research note: transcript of Port Hope
Evening Guide 09-Apr-1926 p1 c3 (http://www.nhb.com/horner/D1923.htm),
"Born in Bailieboro; married c1879, Katherine Sneyd of Garden Hill who died
1918; married Annie Lockington c1920, born Bailieboro. See also Apr.12,
p1,c3".. {2}.
61. research note: personal visit to cemetery
Jul 2007, east side of road #28, on northern edge of town: ASA BARNARD
1854-1928, CATHERINE SNEYD, WIFE, D SEP 14, 1918, AGED 58Y 4M, GOD HAS
62. 1901 personal census, Peterborough, T-6492,
107 C1, p5. {1}.
63. 1901 personal census, Peterborough, T-6492,
107 C1, p5. {2}.
64. 1901 personal census, Peterborough, T-6492,
107 C1, p5. {2}.
65. research note: transcript of Port Hope
Evening Guide 16 Sep 1918 p1 c3 on Trumper Family Page
(http://users.interlinks.net/trumper/), "W/o Asa Barnard; m/o Harry & Mrs.
Whittington (Edith);sis/o Fred Sneyd of PH;d/o Nathaniel &
Martha(Lockington)". {1}.
66. research note: transcript of Port Hope
Evening Guide 01 Dec 1913 p1 col 3. {2}.
67. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical
Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18,
where age in 1881 was 20, birthplace=Ontario. {1}.
68. Geo. Lord, 1901
personal census, Hope Twp., T-6464, 55, B4, p2, automatedgenealogy.com
online, "2 Feb 1861". {2}.
69. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Marriage, #8360 for 1887, Durham Hope, where Sarah Jane's parents
"Nathanial and Martha Sneyd" and witnesses "George H Sneyd, Nellie Black
Hope" are reversed on the registration. {2}.
70. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca,
#27991-1947. Archives of Ontario; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Collection:
Registration of Deaths. Ancestry.com. Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths
Overseas, 1869-1948 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com
Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data:Archives of Ontario. Registrations of Deaths, 1869-1948 (MS
935, reels 1-694), Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada..
71. 1901
personal census, Hope Twp., T-6464, 55, B4, p2. {2}.
72. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #8360 for 1887, Durham Hope.
73. 1901
personal census, Hope Twp., T-6464, 55, B4, p2, "2 Feb 1859".
74. 1901
personal census, Hope Twp., T-6464, 55, B4, p2. {1}.
75. 1901 personal census,
Hope Twp., T-6464, 55, B4, p2. {1}.
76. FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical
Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18,
where age in 1881 was 17, birthplace=Ontario. {2}.
77. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 17, birthplace=Ontario.
78. George H
Sneyd, 1901 Personal Census, Pelham, T-6479, 85, i2, p12,
automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
79. research note: son Frederick's death
registration records father George H's place of birth as Rice Lake Co.
Durham. {1}.
Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of Marriage, 11151-98 ( Oxford Co)
George Henry SOREYD [SNEYD], 33, New Port Hope, Fonthill, s/o Nathaniel
SOREYD & Martha LOCKINGTON, married Nellie F. SIMPSON, Drumbo, same, d/o
William SIMPSON & E. YEO, witn: Ina E. DEWER of Paris & Arthur OVERHOLT of
Fonthill, 22 June 1898 at Drumbo. {1}.
81. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
George H Sneyd, 1901 Personal Census, Pelham, T-6479, 85, i2, p12,
automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
83. George H Sneyd, 1911 Personal Census,
Charlotteville, 1911 / Ontario / Norfolk / 1 Charlotteville / page 6,
automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
84. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, registeration of brother's birth, #901894-1926, late registration
attested to by George Henry Sneyd of Severn Bridge, Muskoka, 7 Aug 1926..
85. Letter,
George H. Sneyd (b. 1864) to Herbert Sneyd (b. 1877), 30 Jan 1948.
86. Ontario
Vital Statistics, Registration of Birth, 5445-07 (Toronto) SNEYD, Frederick
Burton, m, b. Aug. 15, 1907, father - George Henry SNEYD, clergyman, mother
- Nellie F[lorence] SMITH, infm - G.H. Sneyd, Toronto. {2}.
87. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of Birth, 5445-07 (Toronto) SNEYD, Frederick
Burton, m, b. Aug. 15, 1907, father - George Henry SNEYD, clergyman, mother
- Nellie F[lorence] SMITH, infm - G.H. Sneyd, Toronto. {2}.
88. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of death, 032730-15, SNEYD, Frederick Barton, m,
March 27, 1915, 7 years 7 months 12 days, Toronto, cause - membraneous
croup, s/o George Henry Sneyd born Rice Lake Durham Co & Nellie F. Simpson
born Drumbo, infm - G.H. Sneyd, Preston (Waterloo Co.). {2}.
89. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 11, birthplace=Ontario.
FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online
http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in
1881 was 11, birthplace=Ontario. {1}.
91. James Caherlee, 1901 personal census,
Chicago Ward 1, Year: 1900; Census Place: Chicago Ward 1, Cook, Illinois;
Roll: T623 245; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 16., Ancestry.com The
Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America, "June 1868".
Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, One World Tree entry, author
unknown, "1 Jan 1915 ". {2}.
93. William Sneyd, 1930 personal census,
Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois;
Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, Ancestry.com
The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America.
94. 1901
personal census, Chicago Ward 1, Year: 1900; Census Place: Chicago Ward 1,
Cook, Illinois; Roll: T623 245; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 16., "1896"
"4" years in USA in 1900. {2}.
95. 1901 personal census, Chicago Ward 1, Year:
1900; Census Place: Chicago Ward 1, Cook, Illinois; Roll: T623 245; Page:
2A; Enumeration District: 16.. {2}.
96. Rillie F Turner, 1910 personal census,
Chicago ward 31, Year: 1910; Census Place: Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois;
Roll: T624_277; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 1346; Image: 628,
Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of
America. {2}.
97. William Sneyd, 1930 personal census,
Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois;
Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, Ancestry.com
The Generations Network, Provo, Utah, United States of America.
98. William
Sneyd, 1930 personal census, Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census
Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District:
225; Image: 586.0, Ancestry.com The Generations Network, Provo, Utah,
United States of America. {1}.
99. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca,
One World Tree entry, author unknown. {1}.
100. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca,
One World Tree entry, author unknown, A note suggests her nickname was
"Nellie Bly".. {2}.
101. 1930 personal census, Chicago ward 6,
block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423;
Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, "Nellie".
102. 1930
personal census, Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place:
Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225;
Image: 586.0, age 11. {1}.
103. 1930 personal census, Chicago ward 6,
block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423;
Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, age 11. {1}.
104. Ancestry.com, online
search.ancestry.ca, One World Tree entry, author unknown, "18 Oct 1918 ".
Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca, One World Tree entry, author
unknown. {2}.
106. 1930 personal census, Chicago ward 6,
block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423;
Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, age 9. {1}.
107. 1930 personal
census, Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook,
Illinois; Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0,
age 9. {1}.
108. Ancestry.com, online search.ancestry.ca,
One World Tree entry, author unknown, "13 Sep 1921 ". {2}.
109. 1930 personal
census, Chicago ward 6, block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook,
Illinois; Roll: 423; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0,
age 7. {1}.
110. 1930 personal census, Chicago ward 6,
block 9, Year: 1930; Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 423;
Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 225; Image: 586.0, age "1 yr 11 mos" in
Jun 1930. {1}.
111. research note: Frederick Sneyd's father
is Nathaniel Sneyd as per 1) his 1903 marriage announcement, and later
registration, 2) with Nathaniel for 1881 census, 3) with Nataniel for 1891
census. {3}.
112. research note: Frederick Sneyd's mother
was Martha as per 1) appeared together on 1881 census, 2) with Martha for
1891 census, 3) Frederick's 1903 marriage reg.. {3}.
113. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #unknown, "p583, schedule B, County
of Durham", Ancestry.com and Genealogical Research Library (Brampton,
Ontario, Canada). Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
Ontario, Canada. Registrations of Marriages, 1869-1922. Toronto, Ontario,
Canada: Archives of Ontario. MS932, 632 reels.. {2}.
114. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel
C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 7, birthplace=Ontario.
research note: does not appear in Ontario Birth Reg printed index.
Martha Stephens, 1901 personal census, Port Hope, T-6464 #55, E2, p 11,
automatedgenealogy.com online, where b. 1-Jul-1876. {2}.
117. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of Marriage, #unknown, "p583, schedule B, County
of Durham", Ancestry.com and Genealogical Research Library (Brampton,
Ontario, Canada). Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1922 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
Ontario, Canada. Registrations of Marriages, 1869-1922. Toronto, Ontario,
Canada: Archives of Ontario. MS932, 632 reels.. {2}.
118. research note:
transcript of Port Hope Weekly Guide 4 Dec 1903 p1 c4 on Trumper Family
Page (http://users.interlinks.net/trumper/), "Eld d/o Robt.Rankin; s/o
Nathaniel Sneyd, dec.; Bridesmaid, Charlotte s/o bride; best man, Harry
Barnard, Bailieboro, cousin of groom, Will reside on Hope St. Also
Statistics for Nov.5/3.". {2}.
119. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Marriage, #14131 for 1903, found online at ancestry.ca. {3}.
120. Frederick J Sneyd
grave stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON M.Bone, 3 Jul 2006.
121. Cem
Search Software (Port Hope, Ontario: Lakeshore Genealogical Society &
Longstreet Software), #57736. {2}.
122. research note: inscription's source
likely Alfred Lord Tennyson's 1842 poem "Lady Clara Vere de Vere" whose 7th
stanza reads "Trust me, Clara Vere de Vere, / From yon blue heavens above
us bent / The gardener Adam and his wife / Smile at the claims of long
descent. / Howe"er it be, it seems to me, / "Tis only noble to be good. /
Kind hearts are more than coronets, / And simple faith than Norman blood."
. {2}.
Frederick J Sneyd grave stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON
M.Bone, 3 Jul 2006. {2}.
124. 1901 personal census, Port Hope, T-6464
#55, E2, p 11, where surname spelled "Snayd".. {2}.
125. research note:
transcript of Port Hope Weekly Guide 4 Dec 1903 p1 c4 on Trumper Family
Page (http://users.interlinks.net/trumper/). {1}.
126. Frederick J Sneyd,
1911 personal census, Port Hope, Durham 46, Port Hope, p5 line3,
automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
127. research note: Elizabeth also appears at
her father Robert Rankin's house for the 1911 census. {2}.
128. research note:
transcript of Port Hope Evening Guide (19 Jan 1925 p4 c4) on Horner Family
website www.nhb.com/horner/D1923.htm.. {2}.
129. research note: "FILE CUTTER - a maker of
files, involved the cutting of grooves on the file surface" from EARLY
OCCUPATIONS found online at
http://www.genealogyinc.com/enc_occupations/job-F.html, Jan 2007.
130. Town
of Port Hope Directory (Port Hope, ON: Port Hope Board of Trade), vol.
1940, p 44. {2}.
131. Town of Port Hope, vol. 1940, 1948.
132. Town
of Port Hope, vol. 1948, p 54. {2}.
133. research note: Elizabeth Rankin's father
is Robert Rankin as per 1) her 1903 marriage announcement and later
registration, 2) 1881 census, 3) 1891 and 1901 census. {3}.
134. research note:
Elizabeth Rankin's mother is Ellen R. as per 1) her 1903 marriage
registration, 2) 1881 and 1891 census, 3) same burial plot. {3}.
135. FamilySearch(TM)
International Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org,
C-13241, dist 127B, Div 1, p 41, #202, 1881 census where age given as 6 mo,
and DOB as Oct (of prev year, i.e. 1880). {2}.
136. research note:
Ontario birth registration not apparent. Searched printed (MS 931 for
1879-81) and hand-written index (MS 939 for 1880).. {0}.
137. Robert Rankin, 1901
personal census, Port Hope, T-6464 #55, E2, p 8, automatedgenealogy.com
online, exact date given (as 30 Aug 1880). {2}.
138. Cem Search, #57737.
FamilySearch(TM) International Genealogical Index, online
http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A, 3, p5, #18, where age in
1881 was 4, birthplace=Ontario. {2}.
140. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, 901894-1926, late registration attested to by George Henry Sneyd of
Severn Bridge, Muskoka, 7 Aug 1926.. {3}.
141. FamilySearch(TM) International
Genealogical Index, online http://www.familysearch.org, Reel C13241, 127A,
3, p5, #18, where age in 1881 was 4, birthplace=Ontario. {1}.
142. From the research
files of Elizabeth A. Sneyd. {1}.
143. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Marriage, #3763 for 1907. {2}.
144. From the research files of Elizabeth A.
Sneyd. {2}.
145. From the research files of Elizabeth A.
Sneyd. {2}.
146. Ellen Evens, 1901 Personal Census, Port
Arthur, T-6458, 44 L2-2, p2, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
147. From the research
files of Elizabeth A. Sneyd. {1}.
148. From the research files of Elizabeth A.
Sneyd, "In 1912, the Sneyds moved to Yokohama, Japan, where Herb became
General Secretary at the YMCA". {2}.
149. Carl Sneyd's Great Mount Fuji Climb 2004,
Carl Sneyd, online http://www.cscomps.on.ca/climb.html#background,viewed
Jan 2007, "My grandfather, Herbert Stanley Sneyd, Sr. went to Japan in
1914, along with my grandmother, Hattie Bell Hewson, my father, Herbert
Stanley Sneyd, Jr. and my uncle, Karl Walker Sneyd. He went from the
Edmonton YMCA to Yokohama (near Tokyo) to help found the Yokohama YMCA.
They stayed until the mid-1930's, my father and uncle getting all their
education up to grade 12 in the local American schools. They climbed on
Fuji several times. They went on a Good Friday hike up the mountain one
year and my father caught it from his mother when he got home, because he
and his brother had slid part-way down the mountain and worn out the seat
of brand new corduroy knickers. Beth found a picture of my grandfather and
the two boys on Fuji dated Aug, 2, 1924 and that's what we are
commemorating.". {2}.
150. Carl Sneyd's Great Mount, online
http://www.cscomps.on.ca/climb.html#background. {2}.
151. Carl Sneyd's Great
Mount, online http://www.cscomps.on.ca/climb.html#background, "When they
came back to Canada, the Sneyd's brought back a lot... and decorated their
Canadian houses... My uncle Karl died of TB in the early '30's".
152. From
the research files of Elizabeth A. Sneyd. {1}.
153. From the research
files of Elizabeth A. Sneyd. {2}.
154. Carl Sneyd's Great Mount, online
http://www.cscomps.on.ca/climb.html#background. {1}.
155. From the research
files of Elizabeth A. Sneyd, "when they moved to California because of
Karl's poor health. He died there in 193-?". {2}.
156. Carl Sneyd's Great
Mount, online http://www.cscomps.on.ca/climb.html#background.
George H Sneyd, 1901 Personal Census, Pelham, T-6479, 85, i2, p12,
automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
158. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
159. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {1}.
160. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {1}.
161. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
162. research note: From SNEYD , HOWARD
NATHANIEL , Regimental number: 2011996, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box
9135 - 39, found online at Library & Archives of Canada website, viewed Feb
2007. {2}.
163. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, 3067-01 (Welland Co) SNEYD, Ralph Simpson, m, b. Oct. 21, 1901,
father - George H. SNEYD, preacher, mother - Nellie Florence SIMPSON, infm
- father, Pelham Tp. {2}.
164. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, 3067-01 (Welland Co) SNEYD, Ralph Simpson, m, b. Oct. 21, 1901,
father - George H. SNEYD, preacher, mother - Nellie Florence SIMPSON, infm
- father, Pelham Tp. {2}.
165. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {1}.
166. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {1}.
167. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {1}.
168. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, 002726-06 (Welland Co) SNEYD, Evelyn Hope, f, b. Dec. 5, 1905,
father - George H. SNEYD, clergyman; mother - Nellie Florence SIMPSON, infm
- G.H. Sneyd, Lundy"s Lane. {2}.
169. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, 002726-06 (Welland Co) SNEYD, Evelyn Hope, f, b. Dec. 5, 1905,
father - George H. SNEYD, clergyman; mother - Nellie Florence SIMPSON, infm
- G.H. Sneyd, Lundy"s Lane. {2}.
170. research note: as per daughter Mary's
death reg.. {1}.
171. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd, email of 2 Dec 2006. {2}.
172. research note: Albert Family Tree found
at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~albert/index.html winter 2006.
Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, 030491-33, MILLARD, Mary,
f, October 10, 1933, Ontario [Coldwater], cause - premature 2 months,
burial - Coldwater, d/o Morde (sic) Sutherland Millard [born Coldwater] &
Evelyn Hope Sneyd [born Lundy"s Lane], both born Ontario, infm - M.S.
Millard of Coldwater, father, Medonte Twp (Simcoe Co.). {1}.
174. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of death, 030491-33, MILLARD, Mary, f, October 10,
1933, Ontario [Coldwater], cause - premature 2 months, burial - Coldwater,
d/o Morde (sic) Sutherland Millard [born Coldwater] & Evelyn Hope Sneyd
[born Lundy"s Lane], both born Ontario, infm - M.S. Millard of Coldwater,
father, Medonte Twp (Simcoe Co.). {2}.
175. research note: Herbert A. Sneyd is the
son of Frederick James Sneyd as per 1) Herbert's 1941 marriage
announcement, 2) their appearance in 1911 census, 3) Herbert's 1904 birth
registration. {3}.
176. research note: Herbert A. Sneyd is the
son of Elizabeth Rankin as per 1) ) their appearance in 1911 census, 2)
Elizabeth was wife to his father F.J.Sneyd, 3) Herbert's 1904 birth
registration. {3}.
177. 1911 personal census, Port Hope, Durham
46, Port Hope, p5 line3, "May 1904". {2}.
178. Herbert A. Sneyd grave stone Union
Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON M.Bone, 3 Jul 2006. {2}.
179. Ontario Vital
Statistics, Registration of Birth, #30158 for 1904. {3}.
180. Announcements, St.
Thomas Times-Journal, www.elginogs.ca. {2}.
181. research note: The Daily Standard,
(Kingston, Ontario) June 05, 1926, p6 -- the wedding announced, "to take
place quietly late in June.". {2}.
182. St. Thomas Times-Journal, 20 sep 1941
(2nd ed) p20 c3 inc. photo, also 11 Oct 1941 (2nd ed) p15 c2.
183. St.
Thomas Times-Journal, 20 sep 1941 (2nd ed) p20 c3 inc. photo, also 11 Oct
1941 (2nd ed) p15 c2 (Engagement). {2}.
184. SNEYD Herbert Alton (Bert), Toronto Star,
Toronto, 27 Feb 1981, p A18. {2}.
185. Herbert A. Sneyd grave stone Union
Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON M.Bone, 3 Jul 2006. {2}.
186. SNEYD Herbert Alton
(Bert), Toronto Star, Toronto, 27 Feb 1981, p A18. {2}.
187. Polk's Daytona
Beach, Volusia County, Fla, City Directory (Richmond, Virginia: R. L. Polk
& Co.), vols. 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959. Hereinafter cited as
Polk's Daytona Beach Directory. {2}.
188. SNEYD Herbert Alton (Bert), Toronto Star,
Toronto, 27 Feb 1981, p A18. {2}.
189. Toronto City Directory (Toronto: W. H.
Irwin (1870-73), Fisher&Taylor (1874-77), Might&Co. (1878-82, 1891-2003),
R. L. Polk (1883-90), pub. annually), vol 1963, "res Pt. Hope".
Toronto City Directory, vol 1963-1977. {2}.
191. Toronto City Directory, vol 1964-1977.
research note: John A. Brebner, "Family of David Barker and Lydia Shove in
Upper Canada" (2023), viewed May 2023 at
research note: John A. Brebner, "Family of David Barker and Lydia Shove in
Upper Canada" (2023), viewed May 2023 at
Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #28445 for 1927.
Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of death, #28445 for 1927.
research note: Margaret Emily Ingram's father was George Albert Ingram as
per 1) her 1941 marriage announcement, 2) family tradition. {2}.
197. research note:
Margaret Emily Ingram's mother was Catherine Emily Neale as per 1)
Catherine was wife to Margaret's father G.A. Ingram, 2) family tradition.
George A Ingram, 1911 personal census, St. Thomas, 1911, Elgin W. 33,
St.Thomas p 16, automatedgenealogy.com online. {2}.
199. SNEYD Margaret Emily
(nee Ingram), Toronto Star, Toronto, 9 Feb 1997, p B15. {2}.
200. SNEYD Margaret Emily
(nee Ingram), Toronto Star, Toronto, 9 Feb 1997, p B15. {2}.
201. SNEYD Margaret Emily
(nee Ingram), Toronto Star, Toronto, 9 Feb 1997, p B15. {2}.
202. Toronto City
Directory, vol 1985/86, 1996. {2}.
203. Sneyd - Major Robert F, Toronto Star,
Toronto, 7 Jul 1992, p C18, died "in his 87th year". {2}.
204. Robert F Sneyd grave
stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON M.Bone, 3 jul 2006.
Descendants of Samuel Guile, John C. Gile, online
summer 2006. {2}.
206. Toronto Star, 7 Jul 1992, p C18.
Descendants of Samuel Guile, John C. Gile, online
summer 2006. {2}.
208. Toronto Star, 7 Jul 1992, p C18.
Robert F Sneyd grave stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON
M.Bone, 3 jul 2006. {2}.
210. Major Robert Sneyd Baptist minister 87,
unknown newspaper, unknown location, c. 6-8 Jul 1992. {1}.
211. Major Robert Sneyd
Baptist minister 87, unknown newspaper, unknown location, c. 6-8 Jul 1992.
Toronto City Directory, vol 1933. {2}.
213. Toronto City Directory, vol 1934, 1935,
1936. {2}.
214. Toronto City Directory, vol 1937, 1938.
215. Major
Robert Sneyd Baptist minister 87, unknown newspaper, unknown location, c.
6-8 Jul 1992. {1}.
216. Toronto City Directory, vol 1939-1977.
research note: http://www.ganaraskawoods.com/. {2}.
218. Toronto City
Directory, vol 1985/86, 1988. {2}.
219. Toronto Star, 7 Jul 1992, p C18.
220. 1911
personal census, Port Hope, Durham 46, Port Hope, p5 line3, "Sep 1909".
221. Cem
Search, #57689, DOB given. {2}.
222. Ontario Vital Statistics, Registration of
Birth, #33482 for 1909; Archives of Ontario. Registrations of Births and
Stillbirths - 1869-1913. MS 929, reels 1-245. Toronto, Ontario, Canada:
Archives of Ontario. Ancestry.com. Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1913
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010..
Frederick J Sneyd grave stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON,
(reverse side). {2}.
224. Frederick J Sneyd grave stone Union
Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON, (reverse side). {2}.
225. Cem Search, #57689.
Frederick J Sneyd grave stone Union Cemetery, Toronto Rd., Port Hope, ON,
(reverse side). {2}.
227. Cem Search, #57806, DOB given.
228. Cem
Search, #57806. {2}.
229. Cem Search, #57806, "buried elsewhere".
research note: Port Hope Evening Guide, 03 Jul 1916, p4 col 2, "d/o Fred".
231. Cem
Search, #59810. {2}.
232. Toronto Star, 7 Jul 1992, p C18.
233. Cem
Search, #59810. {2}.
234. Cem Search, #59810. {2}.
235. Cem Search, #59809.
236. Cem
Search, #59809. {2}.
237. Cem Search, #59809. {2}.
238. Cem Search, #59810,
Ruth was "m/o Bob and Neil". {1}.
239. From the research files of Elizabeth A.
Sneyd. {1}.
240. From the research files of Elizabeth A.
Sneyd. {2}.
241. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
242. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
243. From the research files of John Howard
Sneyd. {2}.
244. research note: Toronto Star online,
January 25, 2018,
research note: "With great sadness, we announce the passing of Ralph Morgan
Sneyd, in his 96th year, at Richview Manor, in Maple, Ontario. Ralph lived
a very full life and died in peace, without ever suffering. He was the son
of the late Ruth and Howard Sneyd, the beloved husband of the late Annette
Marie (Normand) and the loving, supportive father of Normand (Maryann),
Nancy Rudow (Bill) and Rodney (Patti). He was the ever loving and caring
grandfather to Ian (deceased), Andrew (Mais), David, Jeffery (Lisa),
Alexander and Nicholas. Ralph found great enjoyment from his
great-grandchildren Josie, Sadie, Vanessa and Izabelle. Ralph will be
missed by brothers Neil (deceased), (Norma), John (Margaret), Thomas
(Jean), Douglas (Shirley, deceased) (Heidi), as well as sisters Suzie
(John, deceased) and Linda (Paul). Ralph served in the Royal Canadian Navy
during WWII. Following that, he had careers in banking, financial
institutions and transportation. He was an incredible and generous
individual, who gave so much of himself to help so many family and friends.
He will be dearly missed by everyone so fortunate to have had him in their
lives. As per Ralph's wishes, there will not be a funeral but instead a
celebration of his life for family and friends. Our sincere thanks and
appreciation to the staff at Richview Manor who made his last years
enjoyable and comfortable." Toronto Star online, January 25, 2018,
246. From
the research files of John Howard Sneyd. {1}.
247. From the research
files of John Howard Sneyd. {3}.
248. research note: Mundell Funeral Home,
online https://www.mundellfuneralhome.com/tributes/douglas-doug-sneyd.
research note: Toronto Star online, February 1, 2025,
research note: Toronto Star online, February 1, 2025,
research note: Mundell Funeral Home, online
research note: Albert Family Tree found at
http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~albert/index.html winter 2006.
research note: Obit, Toronto Star (Feb. 29, 2020). {2}.
254. Ralph Sneyd (comp),
Marg Sneyd's Family Photo Album., CD-ROM (Collingwood: privately produced,
2001), various subjects, Bill & Lola's Wedding 1950.jpg. Hereinafter cited
as Marg Sneyd photos. {2}.
255. research note: Email from Fred Sneyd.
research note: Obit, Toronto Star (Feb. 29, 2020). {2}.
257. research note: Obit,
Toronto Star (Feb. 29, 2020). {2}.
258. research note: Find a Grave, database and
images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210123009/william-currie-sneyd:
accessed 05 May 2023), memorial page for William Currie Sneyd (21 Mar
1928-21 Feb 2020), Find a Grave Memorial ID 210123009, citing Stirling
Cemetery, Stirling, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada; Maintained by Carol
McCormick (contributor 48172112).. {2}.
259. research note: Obit, Toronto Star (Feb.
29, 2020). {2}.
260. research note: Find a Grave, database and
images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210123009/william-currie-sneyd:
accessed 05 May 2023), memorial page for William Currie Sneyd (21 Mar
1928-21 Feb 2020), Find a Grave Memorial ID 210123009, citing Stirling
Cemetery, Stirling, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada; Maintained by Carol
McCormick (contributor 48172112).. {2}.
261. research note: Find a Grave, database and
images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210123009/william-currie-sneyd:
accessed 05 May 2023), memorial page for William Currie Sneyd (21 Mar
1928-21 Feb 2020), Find a Grave Memorial ID 210123009, citing Stirling
Cemetery, Stirling, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada; Maintained by Carol
McCormick (contributor 48172112).. {1}.
262. research note: Find a Grave, database and
images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210123009/william-currie-sneyd:
accessed 05 May 2023), memorial page for William Currie Sneyd (21 Mar
1928-21 Feb 2020), Find a Grave Memorial ID 210123009, citing Stirling
Cemetery, Stirling, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada; Maintained by Carol
McCormick (contributor 48172112).. {1}.
263. Toronto Star, 7 Jul 1992, p C18.
research note: Announcement,
. {2}.
Descendants of Samuel Guile, John C. Gile, online
summer 2006. {2}.
266. M. Bone, "Sneyd Group Sheet, Reunion of
2006", 27 May 2006 (Toronto, ON). . {2}.
267. Descendants of Samuel Guile, John C.
Gile, online
summer 2006. {1}.
268. Descendants of Samuel Guile, John C.
Gile, online
summer 2006. {2}.
269. research note: Albert Family Tree found
at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~albert/index.html winter 2006.
270. From
the research files of Heather Bertram. {2}.
271. research note: BBM Messanger note from
Steve, 8:50 PM, 11 Nov 2014. {2}.
272. research note: Sue rec'd email.
research note: Email from Ralph Sneyd 10 Dec 2015, "Lindsey and the rest of
the family are just fine. This 9 lb 9oz addition was born yesterday with no
pain to her mother. Wow!". {1}.
274. M. Bone, "Sneyd Group Sheet, Reunion of
2006", 27 May 2006 (Toronto, ON). . {1}.
275. M. Bone, "Sneyd Group Sheet, Reunion of
2006", 27 May 2006 (Toronto, ON). . {2}.
276. research note:
research note:
research note:
279. M.
Bone, "Sneyd Group Sheet, Reunion of 2006", 27 May 2006 (Toronto, ON). .
research note: "Politician, advocate, husband and father Paul Dewar
succumbs to brain cancer". Laurie Fagan . CBC News . Posted: Feb 06, 2019
6:19 PM ET. {3}.
281. research note: Email from Patricia Ann
Sneyd, Mar 2014. {1}.
282. From the research files of Charity Ann
Thomas. {2}.